3.2 MSC8122 Package Mechanical Drawing
1. All dimensions in millimeters.
2. Dimensioning and tolerancing
per ASME Y14.5M–1994.
3. Features are symmetrical about
the package center lines unless
dimensioned otherwise.
4. Maximum solder ball diameter
measured parallel to Datum A.
5. Datum A, the seating plane, is
determined by the spherical
crowns of the solder balls.
6. Parallelism measurement shall
exclude any effect of mark on
top surface of package.
7. Capacitors may not be present
on all devices.
8. Caution must be taken not to
short capacitors or exposed
metal capacitor pads on
package top.
9. FC CBGA (Ceramic) package
code: 5238.
FC PBGA (Plastic) package
code: 5263.
10.Pin 1 indicator can be in the
form of number 1 marking or an
“L” shape marking.
Figure 3-3. MSC8122 Mechanical Information, 431-pin FC-PBGA Package
MSC8122 Technical Data, Rev. 13
Freescale Semiconductor