1°C Temperature Sensor with Beta Compensation
Data Sheet
Consecutive Alerts
The EMC1403 and EMC1404 contain multiple consecutive alert counters. One set of counters applies
to the ALERT pin and the second set of counters applies to the THERM pin. Each temperature
measurement channel has a separate consecutive alert counter for each of the ALERT and THERM
pins. All counters are user programmable and determine the number of consecutive measurements
that a temperature channel(s) must be out-of-limit or reporting a diode fault before the corresponding
pin is asserted.
See Section 6.12 for more details on the consecutive alert function.
Digital Filter
To reduce the effect of noise and temperature spikes on the reported temperature, the External Diode
1 channel uses a programmable digital filter. This filter can be configured as Level 1, Level 2, or
Disabled. The typical filter performance is shown in Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4.
Figure 5.3 Temperature Filter Step Response
DS20005272A-page 22
2014 Microchip Technology Inc.