High-Speed 12-Bit ADC With External
Reference Input Part
the conversion time is 3.125µs when fCLK = 4MHz, 5µs
when fCLK = 2.5MHz, and 10µs when fCLK = 1.25MHz.
The delay from the falling edge of RD to the falling edge
of CLKIN must not be less than 100ns to ensure the 12.5
clock cycle conversion time (Figure 7). This gives the
external sample-and-hold 1.5 clock cycles to settle from
hold transients. An additional 1/2 clock cycle of settling
can be allowed for the sample-and-hold by having RD go
low at the falling edge of CLKIN. This results in a 13-cycle
conversion time (3.25µs, 5.2µs, and 10.4µs).
Digital Interface
Timing and Control
CS and RD control conversion start and data-read opera-
tions. Figure 8 shows the logic equivalent for the con-
version and the data-output control circuitry. A logic-low
at both inputs starts a conversion. Once a conversion
is in progress, it cannot be restarted. The BUSY output
remains low during the entire conversion cycle.
Figures 9 and 10 outline the two interface modes (slow
memory and ROM). Slow-memory mode is for µPs that
can be forced into a wait state for periods as long as the
MX7672 conversion time. ROM mode is for µPs that can-
not be forced into a wait state. In both interface modes, a
processor read operation to the ADC address starts the
conversion. In the ROM mode, a second read operation
accesses the conversion result.
Slow-Memory Mode
The timing diagram in Figure 9 illustrates slow-memory
mode, which is designed for µPs with a wait state. CS
and RD go low, triggering a conversion, and are kept low
until the conversion is complete. BUSY responds by going
low, and data from the previous conversion remains on
the three-state data outputs. At conversion end, BUSY
returns high, and the output latches transfer the new
conversion results to the three-state data outputs. The µP
completes the read operation by taking CS and RD high.
ROM Mode
The ROM mode avoids placing the µP into a wait state.
A conversion begins with a read operation. While CS and
RD are low, data from the last conversion is available on
the data outputs. A second read operation reads the new
data and begins the conversion process again. A delay
at least as long as the MX7672 conversion time must be
allowed between read operations. The data on the output
bus is in a parallel format in either mode.
Application Hints
Digital Bus Noise
If the data bus connected to the ADC is active during a
conversion, coupling from the data pins to the ADC com-
parator may cause LSBs of error. Using slow-memory
mode avoids this problem by placing the µP into a wait
state during the conversion. In ROM mode, if the data bus
is active during the conversion, use three-state drivers to
isolate the bus from the ADC.
Figure 7. MX7672 RD and CLKIN for Synchronous Operation
and Conversion Time of 12.5 Clock Cycles
Figure 8. Logic for Control Inputs CS and RD Internal
Maxim Integrated │ 7