9 0 REVISION HISTORY (Continued)
Section 4 4
This section was updated to correctly reflect the pipelining of the address and status of the
80376 as opposed to ‘‘Address Pipelining’’ which occurs on processors such as the 80286
Section 4 6
Table 4 7 was updated to show the correct Revision number 05H
Section 4 7
Table 4 8 was updated to show the numerics operand register 8000FEH This address is
seen when the 80376 does a DWORD operation to the port address 8000FCH
Section 5 0
In the first paragraph the case temperatures were updated to reflect the 0 C – 115 C for the
ceramic package and 0 C–110 C for the plastic package
Section 6 2
Table 6 2 was updated to reflect the Case Temperature under Bias specification of b65 C –
120 C
Section 6 4
Figure 6 8 vertical axis was updated to reflect ‘‘Output Valid Delay (ns)’’
Section 6 4
Section 8 1
Figure 6 11 was updated to show typical ICC vs Frequency for the 80376
The clock counts and opcodes for various instructions were updated to their correct values
Section 8 2
The section INSTRUCTION ENCODING was appended to the data sheet