CMOS SCC Serial Communications Controller
Product Specification
The features of Zilog’s Z80C30 and Z85C30 devices include:
• Z85C30: optimized for nonmultiplexed bus microprocessors
• Z80C30: optimized for multiplexed bus microprocessors
• Pin-compatible to NMOS versions
• Two independent 0 to 4.1Mbps, full-duplex channels, each with separate crystal oscil-
lator, Baud Rate Generator (BRG), and Digital Phase-Locked Loop (DPLL) for clock
• Multiprotocol operation under program control; programmable for NRZ, NRZI or FM
data encoding
• Asynchronous Mode with Five to Eight Bits and One, One and One-Half, or Two Stop
Bits Per Character, Programmable Clock Factor, Break Detection and Generation; Par-
ity, Overrun, and Framing Error Detection
• Synchronous Mode with Internal or External Character Synchronization on One or
Two Synchronous Characters and CRC Generation and Checking with CRC-16 or
CRC-CCITT Preset to either 1s or 0s
• SDLC/HDLC Mode with Comprehensive Frame-Level Control, Automatic Zero Inser-
tion and Deletion, I-Field Residue Handling, Abort Generation and Detection, CRC
Generation and Checking, and SDLC Loop
• Software Interrupt Acknowledge Feature (not available with NMOS)
• Local Loopback and Auto Echo Modes
• Supports T1 Digital Trunk2
• Enhanced DMA Support (not available with NMOS) 10 x 19-Bit Status FIFO 14-Bit
Byte Counter
• Speeds
– Z85C3O: 8.5, 10, 16.384MHz
– Z80C3O: 8, 10MHz
Other Features for Z85C30 Only
Some of the features listed below are available by default. Some of them (features with *)
are disabled on default to maintain compatibility with the existing Serial Communications
Controller (SCC) design, and “program to enable through WR7”: