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XR68C92CV 查看數據表(PDF) - Exar Corporation

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XR68C92CV Datasheet PDF : 32 Pages
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Each communication channel includes a full-duplex
asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART). The operat-
ing frequency for each receiver and each transmitter can
be selected independently from the baud-rate genera-
tor, the C/T, or from an external clock. The transmitter
accepts parallel data from the CPU, converts it to a
serial bit stream, inserts the appropriate start, stop, and
optional parity bits, and outputs a composite serial
stream of data on the TX output pin. The receiver
accepts serial data on the RX pin, converts this serial
input to parallel format, checks for a start bit, stop bit,
parity bit (if any), or break condition, and transfers an
assembled character to the CPU during read opera-
The CPU reads the inputs to this 6-bit port (IP0 through
IP5). High or low inputs to the input port result in the
CPU reading a logic one or logic zero, respectively.
Each input port bit also has an alternate control function
capability. The alternate functions can be enabled/
disabled on a bit-by-bit basis.
Four change-of-state detectors are associated with
inputs IP0, IP1, IP2, and IP3. If a high-to-low or low-to-
high transition occurs on any of these inputs and the
new level is stable for more than 25 to 50 microsec-
onds (best-to-worst case times), the corresponding bit
in the input port change register (IPCR) will be set. The
sampling clock of the change detectors is the XTAL1/
96 tap of the baud-rate generator, which is 38.4kHz if
XTAL1 is 3.6864MHz. A new input level must be
sampled on two consecutive sample clocks to pro-
duce a change detect. Also, users can program the
XR68C92/192 to allow a change of state to generate
an interrupt to the CPU. The IPCR bits are cleared
when the CPU reads the register.
The 8 output port pins can either be used as a general-
purpose output port or can be controlled using internal
registers to generate signals representing various con-
ditions. Associated with the output port is an output port
register (OPR) that can be bit-wise programmed. A bit
is set (logical 1) by performing a write operation at
address 0xE with the data having that bit-location to be
1 (0 means no change). Similarly, a bit is reset (logical
0) by performing a write operation at address 0xF with
the data having that bit-location as 1 (0 means no
change). However, it is to be noted that the outputs are
complements of the data contained in the OPR (eg.,
0x05 in OPR actually means 0xFA at the output pins).
Besides general-purpose outputs, the outputs can be
individually assigned specific auxiliary functions serv-
ing the communication channels. The assignment is
accomplished by appropriately programming the
channel A and B mode registers (MR0A, MR0B,
MR1A, MR1B, MR2A, and MR2B) and the output port
configuration register (OPCR).
NOTE: The terms assertion and negation will be used
extensively to avoid confusion when dealing with a
mixture of “active low” and “active high” signals. The
term assert or assertion indicates that a signal is active
or true, independent of whether that level is repre-
sented by a high or low voltage. The term negate or
negation indicates that a signal is inactive or false.
If a crystal is used, it is connected between XTAL1 and
this input, in which case a capacitor of approximately 15
to 33pF should be connected from this pin to ground. If
an external CMOS-level clock is used, this pin must be
left open.
The XR68C92/192 can be reset by asserting the -
3.6863M H z
Figure 1: Crystal Connection
Rev. P1.10

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