and is controlled in a similar way by the channel B
OP2 - OP7:
The other outputs (OP2 - OP7) are configured via the
OPCR. Please see the description under the OPCR
register for the details.
If a crystal is used, it is connected between XTAL1 and
XTAL2, in which case a capacitor of approximately 22
to 47 pF should be connected from each of these pins
to ground (see Figure 1). If an external CMOS-level
clock is used, the pin XTAL2 must be left open.
The XR68C92/192 can be reset by asserting the
-RESET signal or by programming the appropriate
internal registers. A hardware reset (assertion of
-RESET) clears the following registers:
• Status Registers A and B (SRA and SRB)
• Interrupt Mask Register (IMR)
• Interrupt Status Register (ISR)
• Output Port Configuration Register (OPCR)
RESET also performs the following operations:
• Initializes the interrupt vector register (IVR) to 0x0F.
• Places the outputs OP0 through OP7 in the high
• Places the counter/timer in counter mode
• Places channels A and B in the inactive state with the
transmitter serial-data outputs (TXA and TXB) in the
mark (high) state.
Reset commands can be programmed through the
command registers to reset the receiver, transmitter,
error status, or break-change interrupts for each chan-
The transmitter converts the parallel data from the
CPU to a serial bit stream on the transmitter output pin
(TXA, TXB). It automatically sends a start bit followed
by the programmed number of data bits, an optional
parity bit, and the programmed number of stop bits.
The least-significant bit is sent first. Data is shifted out
the transmit serial data output pin (TXA, TXB) on the
falling edge of the programmed clock source (XTAL1,
NOTE: The terms assertion and negation will be used
extensively to avoid confusion when dealing with a
mixture of “active low” and “active high” signals. The
term assert or assertion indicates that a signal is active
or true, independent of whether that level is repre-
sented by a high or low voltage. The term negate or
negation indicates that a signal is inactive or false.
IP3 or IP5: see CSR bits 3:0). After the transmission of
the stop bits, and a new character is not available in the
transmit FIFO, the transmitter serial data output (TXA,
TXB) remains high. Transmission resumes when the
CPU loads a new character into the transmit FIFO. If
the transmitter receives a disable command (CRA,
CRB bits 3:2), it will continue operating until the char-
acter in the transmit shift register is completely sent
out. Other characters in the FIFO are neither sent nor
discarded, but will be sent when the transmitter is re-
TX RTS Control: Users can program the transmitter to
automatically negate the request-to-send (RTS) out-
put (alternate function of OP0 and OP1 for channels A
and B respectively) on completion of a message trans-
mission (using MR2A, MR2B bit-5). If the transmitter is
programmed to operate with RTS control, the RTS
output must be manually asserted before each mes-
sage is transmitted. Also, the transmitter needs to be
disabled after all the required data are loaded into the
FIFO. Then, the RTS output will be automatically
negated when the transmit-shift register and the TX
FIFO are both empty. In automatic RTS mode, no more
characters can be written to the FIFO after the trans-
mitter is disabled.
If auto clear-to-send (CTS) control is enabled (using
MR2A, MR2B bit-4), the CTS input (alternate function
of IP0 and IP1 for channels A and B respectively) must
be asserted (low) in order for the character to be
transmitted. If it gets negated (high) in the middle of a
transmission, the character in the shift register is
transmitted and the transmit data output (TXA, TXB)
then remains in the marking state until CTSA, CTSB
gets asserted again.
The transmitter can also be forced to send a continu-
ous low (space) condition by issuing the start-break
command (see CRA, CRB bits 7:4). The state of CTS
is ignored by the transmitter when it is set to send a
Rev. 1.33