Note 1: There’s no requirement of this diodes in normal applications.
But if the VCC is more than 14 V or use large value of coil reactance, we recommend to connect this diodes.
Note 2: There’s no requirement of this capacitance in normal applications.
But connection 0.47~10 µF of this capacitance increases a stability of operation.
Note 3: This capacitance is for noise suppression use.
Connect if required.
Note 4: We recommend to connect capacitance between each output and GND (or out (A) and (B)), to suppress RFI
and noise problems.
Note 5: Utmost care is necessary in the design of the output line, VCC and GND line since IC may be destroyed due
to short−circuit between outputs, air contamination fault, or fault by improper grounding.
Note 6: In case of large mutual inductive value between La and Lb.
Diodes (or CR) are required to restrict parasitic oscillation caused by negative electro−motive force
generated by inductive mutual effect between La and Lb.