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Silicon Laboratories 
SI4730-D60-GUR Datasheet PDF : 44 Pages
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4.20. Control Interface
A serial port slave interface is provided, which allows an
external controller to send commands to the Si473x-
D60 and receive responses from the device. The serial
port can operate in two bus modes: 2-wire mode and 3-
wire mode. The Si473x-D60 selects the bus mode by
sampling the state of the GPO1 and GPO2 pins on the
rising edge of RST. The GPO1 pin includes an internal
pull-up resistor, which is connected while RST is low,
and the GPO2 pin includes an internal pull-down
resistor, which is connected while RST is low.
Therefore, it is only necessary for the user to actively
drive pins which differ from these states. See Table 16.
Table 16. Bus Mode Select on Rising Edge of
Bus Mode
0 (must drive)
After the rising edge of RST, the pins GPO1 and GPO2
are used as general purpose output (O) pins, as
described in Section “4.21. GPO Outputs”. In any bus
mode, commands may only be sent after VD and VA
supplies are applied.
In any bus mode, before sending a command or reading
a response, the user must first read the status byte to
ensure that the device is ready (CTS bit is high).
4.20.1. 2-Wire Control Interface Mode
When selecting 2-wire mode, the user must ensure that
SCLK is high during the rising edge of RST, and stays
high until after the first start condition. Also, a start
condition must not occur within 300 ns before the rising
edge of RST.
The 2-wire bus mode uses only the SCLK and SDIO
pins for signaling. A transaction begins with the START
condition, which occurs when SDIO falls while SCLK is
high. Next, the user drives an 8-bit control word serially
on SDIO, which is captured by the device on rising
edges of SCLK. The control word consists of a 7-bit
device address, followed by a read/write bit (read = 1,
write = 0). The Si473x-D60 acknowledges the control
word by driving SDIO low on the next falling edge of
Although the Si473x-D60 will respond to only a single
device address, this address can be changed with the
SEN pin (note that the SEN pin is not used for signaling
in 2-wire mode). Refer to “AN332: Si47xx Programming
For write operations, the user then sends an 8-bit data
byte on SDIO, which is captured by the device on rising
edges of SCLK. The Si473x-D60 acknowledges each
data byte by driving SDIO low for one cycle, on the next
falling edge of SCLK. The user may write up to 8 data
bytes in a single 2-wire transaction. The first byte is a
command, and the next seven bytes are arguments.
For read operations, after the Si473x-D60 has
acknowledged the control byte, it will drive an 8-bit data
byte on SDIO, changing the state of SDIO on the falling
edge of SCLK. The user acknowledges each data byte
by driving SDIO low for one cycle, on the next falling
edge of SCLK. If a data byte is not acknowledged, the
transaction will end. The user may read up to 16 data
bytes in a single 2-wire transaction. These bytes contain
the response data from the Si473x-D60.
A 2-wire transaction ends with the STOP condition,
which occurs when SDIO rises while SCLK is high.
For details on timing specifications and diagrams, refer
to Table 4, “2-Wire Control Interface Characteristics” on
page 9; Figure 2, “2-Wire Control Interface Read and
Write Timing Parameters,” on page 10, and Figure 3, “2-
Wire Control Interface Read and Write Timing Diagram,”
on page 10.
4.20.2. 3-Wire Control Interface Mode
When selecting 3-wire mode, the user must ensure that
a rising edge of SCLK does not occur within 300 ns
before the rising edge of RST.
The 3-wire bus mode uses the SCLK, SDIO, and SEN_
pins. A transaction begins when the user drives SEN
low. Next, the user drives a 9-bit control word on SDIO,
which is captured by the device on rising edges of
SCLK. The control word consists of a 9-bit device
address (A7:A5 = 101b), a read/write bit (read = 1, write
= 0), and a 5-bit register address (A4:A0).
For write operations, the control word is followed by a
16-bit data word, which is captured by the device on
rising edges of SCLK.
For read operations, the control word is followed by a
delay of one-half SCLK cycle for bus turn-around. Next,
the Si473x-D60 will drive the 16-bit read data word
serially on SDIO, changing the state of SDIO on each
rising edge of SCLK.
A transaction ends when the user sets SEN high, then
pulses SCLK high and low one final time. SCLK may
either stop or continue to toggle while SEN is high.
In 3-wire mode, commands are sent by first writing each
argument to register(s) 0xA1–0xA3, then writing the
command word to register 0xA0. A response is
retrieved by reading registers 0xA8–0xAF.
For details on timing specifications and diagrams, refer
to Table 5, “3-Wire Control Interface Characteristics,” on
page 11; Figure 4, “3-Wire Control Interface Write
Rev. 1.1

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