SDA 525X-2
Necessary changes compared to SDA 525x according to preliminary data sheet
1998-02-18 are:
1. RGB-outputs deliver a current instead of a voltage. Any voltage divider can be
replaced by a single resistor. This resistor will have a different dimension. The nominal
output current is 5.2 mA with a resistor of 27 kΩ at the IREF-pin.
2. Instead of FIL1SLC/FIL2SLC/FIL3SLC only FIL3 is needed with changed external
device dimensions. Former FIL1SLC and FIL2SLC remain “not connected”. For best
slicer performance FIL3 is tied to VDDA. FIL3 may be tied to VSSA, if a ripple free VDDA
is available.
3. LCIN and LCOUT are not needed any more and are not connected or used for RD and
WR in the P-MQFP-80-1-package, respectively.
4. P-MQFP-80-1 now has RD (Pin 52), WR (53) and PSEN (1) Pins to connect external
5. The 18-MHz-crystal is replaced by a 6-MHz type.
‘n. c.’ = ‘not connected’ means: Pins must be left open.
Semiconductor Group