Product Innova tionFrom
supply voltage (+VS to –VS). NPO capacitors are recommended to maintain the desired level of compensation over
The PA86 requires an external 33pF capacitor between CC- and –VS to prevent oscillations in the falling edge of the
output. This capacitor should be rated for the full supply voltage (+VS to –VS).
Large Signal Performance
As the amplitude of the input signal increases, the internal dynamic current sources increase the operation band-
width of the amplifier. This unique performance is apparent in its slew rate, pulse response, and large signal perfor-
mance plots. Recall the previous discussion about the relationships between signal amplitude, supply current, and
slew rate. As the amplitude of the input amplitude increases from 1VP-P to 15VP-P, the slew rate increases from 50V/
µs to well over 350V/µs.
The output becomes clipped by the supply rails and the amplifier is no longer operating in a closed loop fashion. The
rise and fall times become faster as the dynamic current sources are providing maximum current for slewing. The
result of this amplifier architecture is that it slews fast, but allows good control of overshoot for large input signals.
This can be seen clearly in the large signal Transient Response plots.
Heatsinking and Safe Operating Area
The MOSFET output stage of the PA86 is not limited by second breakdown considerations as in bipolar output
stages. Only thermal considerations of the package and current handling capabilities limit the Safe Operating Area.
The SOA plots include power dissipation limitations which are dependent upon case temperature. Keep in mind
that the dynamic current sources which drive high slew rates can increase the operating temperature of the ampli-
fier during periods of repeated slewing. The plot of supply current vs. input signal amplitude for a 100 kHz signal
provides an indication of the supply current with repeated slewing conditions. This application dependent condition
must be considered carefully.
The output stage is self-protected against transient flyback by the parasitic body diodes of the output stage. How-
ever, for protection against sustained high energy flyback, external, fast recovery diodes must be used.
Current Limit
For proper operation, the current limit resistor, RLIM, must be connected as shown in the external connections
diagram. For maximum reliability and protection, the largest resistor value should be used. The minimum practi-
cal value for RLIM is about 12Ω. However, refer to the SOA curves for each package type to assist in selecting the
optimum value for RLIM in the intended application. Current limit may not protect against short circuit conditions with
supply voltages over 200V.
Layout Considerations
The PA86 is built on a dielectrically isolated process and the package tab is therefore not electrically connected
to the amplifier. For high speed operation, the package tab should be connected to a stable reference to reduce
capacitive coupling between amplifier nodes and the floating tab. It is often convenient to directly connect the tab
to GND or one of the supply rails, but an AC connection through a 1µF capacitor to GND is also sufficient if a DC
connection is undesirable
Care should be taken to position the RC / CC compensation networks close to the amplifier compensation pins. Long
loops in these paths pick up noise and increase the likelihood of LC interactions and oscillations.
Like many high performance MOSFET amplifiers, the PA86 very sensitive to damage due to electrostatic discharge
(ESD). Failure to follow proper ESD handling procedures could have results ranging from reduced operating per-
formance to catastrophic damage. Minimum proper handling includes the use of grounded wrist or shoe straps,
grounded work surfaces. Ionizers directed at the work in progress can neutralize the charge build up in the work
environment and are strongly recommended.