Data Sheet
T1/J1 Mode
Yellow Alarm
D4 mode, two types:
1. Bit position 2 is zero for virtually every DS0
over 48ms
2. Two consecutive ones in the S-bit position of
the twelfth frame
ESF mode, two types:
3. Reception of 0000000011111111 in eight or
more codewords out of ten (T1)
4. Reception of 1111111111111111 in eight or
more codewords out of ten (J1)
T1DM mode :
Bit 2 of the T1DM synchronization byte is 0
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
• Declared if fewer than six zeros are detected
during a 3 ms interval
Loss Of Signal (LOS)
• Loss Of Signal is declared if 192 or 32
consecutive zeros are received
E1 Mode
Remote Alarm Indication (RAI)
• Bit 3 of the receive NFAS
Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
• Unframed all ones signal for at least a double
frame or two double frames
Timeslot 16 Alarm Indication Signal
• All ones signal in timeslot 16
Loss Of Signal (LOS)
• Loss Of Signal is declared if 192 or 32
consecutive zeros are received
Remote Signaling Multiframe Alarm
• Y-bit of the multiframe alignment signal
Zarlink Semiconductor Inc.