4-Channel, Programmable Gain
Voltage Output, 15 MHz Input Bandwidth
8-Bit DACs with Multiplying
Parallel Digital Data Port
• Programmable Gain
• 4 Independent 2-Quadrant Multiplying 8-Bit DACs
with Output Amplifiers
• Dual Positive (+10 V and +5 V) Supplies or
Dual (+5 V) Supplies Capability
• High Speed:
– 12.5 MHz Digital Clock Rate
– VREF to VOUT Settling Time: 150ns to 8-bit
– Voltage Reference Input Bandwidth:
15 MHz
• Very Low Noise Gain Control
• Low Power: 80mW
• Low AC Voltage Reference Feedthrough
• Excellent Channel-to-Channel Isolation
• DNL = +0.5 LSB, INL = +1 LSB (typ)
• DACs Matched to +0.5% (typ)
• Low Harmonic Distortion: 0.25% typical with
VREF = 1 V p-p @ 1 MHz
• Latch-Up Free
• ESD Protection: 2000 V Minimum
• Direct High-Frequency Automatic Gain Control
• Video AGC & CCD Level AGC
• Convergence Adjustment for High-Resolution
Monitors (Workstations)
• Multiplier Replacement
The MP7643 is ideal for digital gain control of high frequency
analog signals such as video, composite video and CCD. The
device includes 4-channels of high speed, wide bandwidth, two
quadrant multiplying, 8-bit accurate digital-to-analog converter.
It includes an output drive buffer per channel capable of driving a
+1mA (typ) load. DNL of better than +0.5 LSB is achieved with a
channel-to-channel matching of typically 0.5%. Stability, match-
ing, and precision of the DACs are achieved by using MPS’ thin
film technology. Excellent channel-to-channel isolation is also
achieved with MPS’ BiCMOS process which cannot be
achieved using a typical CMOS technology.
An open loop architecture (patent pending) provides wide
small signal bandwidth from VREF to output up to 15 MHz (typ),
fast output settling time of 150 ns, and excellent VREF
feedthrough isolation. The negative feedback terminal of the
output op amp is available for user gain control. In addition, low
distortion in the order of 0.25% with a 1 V p-p, 1 MHz signal is
The combination of a constant input Z and the ability to vary
VREFN within VCC –1.8 V to VEE +1.5 V allows flexibility for opti-
mum system design.
The MP7643 is fabricated on a junction isolated, high speed
BiCMOS (BiCMOS IVTM) process with thin film resistors. This
process enables precision high speed analog/digital (mixed-
mode) circuits to be fabricated on the same chip.
Plastic Dip
–40 to +85°C
–40 to +85°C
Part No.
Gain Error
(% FSR)
Rev. 1.00