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Microsemi Corporation 
LX1671 Datasheet PDF : 21 Pages
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Multiple Output LoadSHARE™ PWM
1. The power N-MOSFET transistor’s total gate charge spec,
(Qg) should not exceed 40Nc when VCx = +12V. This
condition will guarantee operation over the specified ambient
temperature range. The Qg value of the N-MOSFET is
directly related to the amount of power dissipation inside the
IC package, from the three sets of MOSFET drivers. The
equation relating Qg to the power dissipation of a MOSFET
driver is: Pd = f * Qg * Vd . f = 300KHs and Vd is the
supply voltage for the MOSFET driver. The three bottom
MOSFET drivers are powered by the VCCL pin that is
connected to +5V. The upper MOSFET drivers can be
connected to the +12V supply or to a bootstrap supply
generated by its output bridge. The bootstrap supply will be
at +17V. Depending on the thermal environment of the
application circuit, the Qg value of the N-MOSFETs will
have to be less than the 40nC value. A typical configuration
of the input voltage rails to generate the output voltages
required is having the 5volt supply on phase 1, the 3.3volt
supply on phase 2, and the 12volt supply on phase 3. At the
max Qg value, the three bottom MOSFET drivers will
dissipate 60mw each. The upper MOSFET drivers for phases
1 and 2 will operate off of +12volts. Their dissipation is
144mw each. Phase 3 will have the bootstrap supply so its
dissipation is 204mw. The total power dissipation for gate
drive is 672mw. Icc x Vcc =15ma x 5 V= 75mW. Total
package power dissipation = 747mW. Using the thermal
equation of: Tj = Ta + Pd * Oja, the Junction temperature for
this IC package is = 23 + .747 * 85 which = 86 deg C. This
means that the ambient temperature rise has to be less than 64
deg C.
2. The Soft-Start reference input has a 300mv threshold, above
which the PWM starts to operate. The internal operating
reference level is set at 800mv. This means that the output
voltage is 37.5% low when the PWM becomes active. This
starts each phase up in the current limit mode without Hiccup
operation. If more than one phase is using the 5volt rail for
conversion, then their soft-start capacitor values should be
changed so that the two phases do not start up together. This
will help reduce the amount of 5volt input capacitance
required. Also the VCC pin and the VCCL pin should be
kept separated and should be decoupled separately. This will
prevent the VCC pin from drooping back below the UVLO
set point during start up.
3. If a phase is not used connect the VSX and VCX pins to
VCC. Do not leave them floating. A floating VSX pin will
result in operation resembling a hiccup condition.
4. When phases 1 and 2 are used in the Bi-phase mode to current
share into the same output load, the phase 2 current is forced to
follow the phase 1 current. It is important to use a larger soft-
start capacitor on phase 2 than phase 1 so that the phase 1
current becomes active before phase 2 becomes active. This
will minimize any start up transient. It is also important to
disable phase 1 and 2 at the same time. Disabling phase 1
without disabling phase 2, in the Bi-phase mode, lets phase 2
turn on and off randomly because it has lost its reference.
5. The maximum output voltage when using LoadSHARE is
limited by the input common mode voltage of the error
amplifier and cannot exceed the input common mode voltage.
6. The minimum RSET resistor value is 1k ohm for the current
limit sensing. If this resistor becomes shorted, it will do
permanent damage to the IC.
7. A resistor has been put in series with the gate of the LDO pass
transistor to reduce the output noise level. The resistor value
can be changed to optimize the output transient response versus
output noise.
8. The LDO controller inside the IC uses the voltage at VC1 as
the drive voltage. Due to noise considerations ideally the
voltage on the VC1 pin would be a fixed +12volt supply.
When VC1 is connected to a bootstrap supply the LDO output
will reflect significant switching noise without filtering. When
VC1 is generated with a bootstrap supply the LDO should not
be used.
9. To delay the turn on of the LDO controller output, a capacitor
should be connected between the LDDIS pin and the +5volts.
The LDDIS input has a 100K pull down resistor, which keeps
the LDO active until this pin is pulled high. During the power
up sequence the capacitor connected to the LDDIS pin will
keep the LDO off until this capacitor, being charge by the
100K pull down resistor, goes through the low input threshold
Copyright © 2000
Rev. 1.2b, 2006-02-13
Integrated Products, Power Management
11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570
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