Data Sheet
April 2000
L8560 Low-Power SLIC with Ringing
Functional Description
Table 3. Input State Coding
B0 B1 B2 BR
1 1 0 1 Powerup, Forward Battery VBAT2. Pin PT is positive with respect to pin PR. VBAT2 is applied
to the tip/ring drive amplifiers. On-hook transmission capability. All supervision active—an
off-hook condition or a ring trip causes output NSTAT to go low.
1 0 0 1 Powerup, Reverse Battery VBAT2. Pin PR is positive with respect to pin PT. VBAT2 is applied
to the tip/ring drive amplifiers. On-hook transmission capability. All supervision active—an
off-hook condition or a ring trip causes output NSTAT to go low.
1 1 1 1 Powerup, Forward Battery VBAT1. Pin PT is positive with respect to pin PR. VBAT1 is applied
to the tip/ring drive amplifiers. On-hook transmission capability. All supervision active—an
off-hook condition or a ring trip causes output NSTAT to go low.
1 0 1 1 Powerup, Reverse Battery VBAT1. Pin PR is positive with respect to pin PT. VBAT1 is applied
to the tip/ring drive amplifiers. On-hook transmission capability. All supervision active—an
off-hook condition or a ring trip causes output NSTAT to go low.
0 1 1 1 Ground Start. Tip drive amplifier is turned off. The device presents a high impedance
(>100 kΩ) to pin PT and a current-limited battery (VBAT1) to pin PR. Output pin RGDET indi-
cates current flowing in the ring lead.
0 0 1 1 Low-Power Scan. Except for off-hook supervision, all circuits are shut down to conserve
power. Only the off-hook detector affects output pin NSTAT. VBAT1 is applied to the tip/ring
drive amplifiers. Pin PT is positive with respect to pin PR. On-hook transmission is disabled.
0 1 0 1 Low-Power Scan (L8560D/E/F/G Only). Except for off-hook supervision, all circuits are shut
down to conserve power. Only the off-hook detector affects output pin NSTAT. VBAT2 is ap-
plied to the tip/ring drive amplifiers. Pin PT is positive with respect to pin PR. On-hook trans-
mission is disabled.
0 0 0 1 Forward Disconnect. The tip and ring amplifiers are turned off and the SLIC goes into a
high-impedance state (>100 kΩ). VBAT2 is applied to the SLIC.
1 1/0 1
0 Ring State. SLIC is powered up. VBAT1 is applied to the tip and ring amplifiers. Current limit
is increased by a factor of 2.8. Overhead voltage is reduced to approximately 2.4 V. These
conditions are necessary to supply sufficient power to drive a true North American 5 REN
ringing load (1386 Ω + 40 µF). Loop closure detector is disabled—only the ring trip detector
affects output pin NSTAT. To apply a balanced ring signal to pins PR and PT, apply a 0 V to
5 V square wave to input pin B1. Ringing frequency is the frequency of the input wave at B1.
To shape the ring signal at pins PR and PT, connect a capacitor from pin FB1 to ground and
from pin FB2 to ground.
Table 4. Supervision Coding
0 = off-hook or ring trip
1 = on-hook and no ring trip
1 = ring ground
0 = no ring ground
Lucent Technologies Inc.