1418 F13a
Figure 13a. SHDN to CONVST Wake-Up Timing
1418 F13b
Figure 13b. CS to SHDN Timing
Conversion Control
Conversion start is controlled by the CS and CONVST
inputs. A falling edge of CONVST pin will start a conver-
sion after the ADC has been selected (i.e., CS is low, see
Figure 14). Once initiated, it cannot be restarted until the
conversion is complete. Converter status is indicated by
the BUSY output. BUSY is low during a conversion.
Data Output
The data format is controlled by the SER/PAR input pin;
logic low selects parallel output format. In parallel mode,
the 14-bit data output word D0 to D13 is updated at the
end of each conversion on Pins 6 to 13 and Pins 15 to 20.
A logic high applied to SER/PAR selects the serial formatted
data output and Pins 16 to 20 assume their serial function,
Pins 6 to 13 and 15 are in the Hi-Z state. In either parallel
or serial data formats, outputs will be active only when
CS and RD are low. Any other combination of CS and RD
will three-state the output. In unipolar mode (VSS = 0V)
the data will be in straight binary format (corresponding to
the unipolar input range). In bipolar mode (VSS = –5V), the
data will be in two’s complement format (corresponding
to the bipolar input range).
1418 F14
Figure 14. CS to CONVST Set-Up Timing
data outputs are always enabled and data can be latched
with the BUSY rising edge. Mode 1a shows operation
with a narrow logic low CONVST pulse. Mode 1b shows
a narrow logic high CONVST pulse.
In mode 2 (Figure 17) CS is tied low. The falling edge of
CONVST signal again starts the conversion. Data outputs
are in three-state until read by the MPU with the RD signal.
Mode 2 can be used for operation with a shared data bus.
In slow memory and ROM modes (Figures 18 and 19),
CS is tied low and CONVST and RD are tied together. The
MPU starts the conversion and reads the output with the
RD signal. Conversions are started by the MPU or DSP
(no external sample clock).
In slow memory mode the processor takes RD (= CONVST)
low and starts the conversion. BUSY goes low forcing
the processor into a wait state. The previous conversion
result appears on the data outputs. When the conversion
is complete, the new conversion results appear on the data
outputs; BUSY goes high releasing the processor and the
processor takes RD (= CONVST) back high and reads the
new conversion data.
In ROM mode, the processor takes RD (= CONVST) low,
starting a conversion and reading the previous conversion
result. After the conversion is complete, the processor
can read the new result and initiate another conversion.
Parallel Output Mode
Serial Output Mode
Parallel mode is selected with a logic 0 applied to the
SER/PAR pin. Figures 15 through 19 show different
modes of parallel output operation. In modes 1a and
1b (Figures 15 and 16) CS and RD are both tied low.
The falling edge of CONVST starts the conversion. The
Serial output mode is selected when the SER/PAR input
pin is high. In this mode, Pins 16 to 20, D0 (EXT/INT),
assume their serial functions as shown in Figure 20. (Dur-
ing this discussion, these pins will be referred to by their
For more information