Serial interface commands
2400 baud RS232. 8 bit data, no parity, 1 start bit, 1 or 2 stop bits.
Serial data is sent to the unit on one of the parallel channel select pins (P0). It is very important that the unit
does not 'decode' switch bounce in ordinary operation as a command string, or spurious re-writing of the
e2prom will result. For this reason the user must send the 16 character string ENABLESERIALMODE
(followed by a carriage return) to activate the serial command mode before sending any of the command
strings listed below. Command mode is disabled on power down, or on reception of a # character. To
successfully program the unit, it must be enabled ('RXE high (rx) or TXE low (tx)).
LOAD aa nnnnn
SINGLE nnnnn
Serially select channel aa, where aa is ch0 to ch31
Set value of N register for channel aa, where aa is Channels 0 to 31
Channel selected by 4 bit parallel inputs (ch0 to ch15 only)
Channel selected by most recent GOCHAN operation
Set value for R register
Set value of N for single channel operation.
N value NOT stored in EEPROM
Process entry
Clear all buffers
Disable command mode
aa = a two digit channel number from 00 to 31
nnnnn = synthesizer N register value (up to 65535)
rrrr = synthesizer R register value (up to 16383)
f RF
f Channelspacing
= 433.900MHz
= 17356
R = fTCXO = 13MHz , So R=520
f channelspacing 25kHz
f RF − 21.4MHz
f Channelspacing
= 433.900MHz − 21.4 = 16500
A pause of at least 50ms must be allowed between command strings (EEPROM
programming time).
SINGLE mode does not store the N value in EEPROM. Therefore the unit is inoperative after
a power down until either another valid SINGLE command is received, or mode is changed
by a GOCHAN, SETPAR or SETSER command. SINGLE mode is intended for frequency
agile applications.
Radiometrix Ltd
LMT2/LMR2 Data Sheet
page 6