Data Sheet
July 2001
L9310 Line Interface and Line Access Circuit
Full-Feature SLIC, Ringing Relay, and Test Access Device
The Agere Systems Inc. L9310 is a combination full-
feature, ultralow-power SLIC, solid-state ringing
access relay, and line test matrix. It is part of a pin-
for-pin compatible family of devices designed to
serve a wide variety of applications. The L9310 is
optimized for European Access applications and
North American access where per-line testing and
GR-909 longitudinal balance are required.
s 5 V and battery operation
s Optional automatic battery switch
s 15 operational and test modes
s Appropriate for 46 dB longitudinal balance applica-
s Minimal external components required at all inter-
s Ultralow power dissipation
s Software/hardware adjustable dc parameters and
supervision thresholds
s Meter pulse compatible
s Ground start/ground key compatible
Solid-State Ring Relay
s Low impulse noise
s Current-limited switches/thermal protection
Line Test Matrix
s Single-ended or differential measurements
s Current or voltage sense
s ac or dc measurements
s Dedicated analog input and output
s Pair Gain
s Digital Loop Carrier (DLC)
s Central Office (CO)
s Fiber-in-the-Loop (FITL)
The L9310 electronic line interface and line access
circuit (LILAC) provides all the functions that are nec-
essary to interface a codec to the tip and ring of a
subscriber loop, integrating the battery feed and ring-
ing access relay and line test access in one low-
power, low-cost package.
The L9310 requires a 5 V and battery supply to oper-
ate. Included is an automatic battery switch. The bat-
tery feed offers forward and reverse battery, on-hook
transmission, ground start, ground key, and meter
pulse operational modes. It also has a low-power
scan and a disconnect mode.
In all operating states, this IC is designed for minimal
power dissipation. This device is designed to mini-
mize the number of external components required at
all interfaces.
The dc template, current limit, and overhead voltage
and loop supervision threshold are programmable via
an applied voltage source. The voltage source may
be an external programmable voltage source or
derived from the VREF SLIC output.
The integrated solid-state switch offers power ringing
access. Impulse noise is minimized, thus eliminating
the need for external zero-cross switching circuitry.
The L9310 provides line test capability. The differen-
tial or single-ended ac and dc line voltage or current
may be measured by the L9310.