Philips Semiconductors
Hi-Speed USB peripheral controller
9397 750 13461
Product data
Table 2: Pin description…continued
Symbol[1] Pin Type[2] Description
15 I/O
Signal ready output — Used in generic processor mode:
• LOW: the ISP1583 is processing a previous command or
data and is not ready for the next command or data transfer
• HIGH: the ISP1583 is ready for the next microprocessor
read or write.
DMA ready input — Used in split bus mode for accessing
ATA/ATAPI peripherals (PIO mode only).
bidirectional pad; 10 ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
16 O
interrupt output; programmable polarity (active HIGH or LOW)
and signaling (edge or level triggered)
CMOS output; 8 mA drive
17 O
address output to select the Task File register of an ATA/ATAPI
device; see Table 59
CMOS output; 8 mA drive
18 I
chip selection input
input pad; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
19 I
Read and write input — For Motorola style, this function is
determined by pin MODE0 = LOW during power-up.
Read input — For 8051 style, this function is determined by
pin MODE0 = HIGH during power-up.
input pad; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
20 I
Data selection input — For Motorola style, this function is
determined by pin MODE0 = LOW at power-up.
Write input — For 8051 style, this function is determined by
pin MODE0 = HIGH at power-up.
input pad; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
21 O
chip selection output 0 for ATA/ATAPI device; see Table 59
CMOS output; 8 mA drive
22 O
chip selection output 1 for ATA/ATAPI device; see Table 59
CMOS output; 8 mA drive
23 I/O bit 0 of multiplexed address and data
bidirectional pad; 4 ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
24 I/O bit 1 of multiplexed address and data bus
bidirectional pad; 4 ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
25 I/O bit 2 of multiplexed address and data bus
bidirectional pad; 4 ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
26 -
27 I/O
I/O pad supply voltage (1.65 V to 3.6 V); see Section 8.15
bit 3 of multiplexed address and data bus
bidirectional pad; 4 ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
28 I/O bit 4 of multiplexed address and data bus
bidirectional pad; 4 ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
29 I/O bit 5 of multiplexed address and data bus
bidirectional pad; 4 ns slew-rate control; TTL; 5 V tolerant[6]
Rev. 03 — 12 July 2004
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
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