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ETL9444 Datasheet PDF : 27 Pages
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Figure 3a : Synchronization Timing.
ET L9 44 4/ 94 4 5 –ET L 9 344 / 9 3 45
A block diagram of the ETL9444 is given in figure 1.
Data paths are illustrated in simplified form to depict
how the various logic elements communicate with
each other in implementing the instruction set of the
device. Positive logic is used. When a bit is set, it is
a logic ”1” (greater than 2 volts). When a bit is reset,
it is a logic ”0” (less than 0.8 volts).
All functional references to the ETL9444/L9445 also
apply to the ETL9344/L9345.
Program Memory consists of a 2048 byte ROM. As
can be seen by an examination of the
ETL9444/L9445 instruction set, these words may be
program instructions, program data or ROM addres-
sing data. Because of the special characteristics as-
sociated with the JP, JSRP, JID, and LQID
instructions, ROM must often be thought of as being
organized into 32 pages of 64 words each.
ROM addressing is accomplished by a 11-bit PC re-
gister. Its binary value selects one of the 2048 8-bit
words contained in ROM. A new address is loaded
into the PC register during each instruction cycle.
Unless the instruction is a transfer of control instruc-
tion, the PC register is loaded with the next sequen-
tial 11-bit binary count value. Three levels of
subroutine nesting are implemented by the 11-bit
subroutine save registers, SA, SB, and SC ; provi-
ding a last-in, first-out (LIFO) hardware subroutine
ROM instruction words are fetched, decoded and
executed by the Instruction Decode, Control and
Skip Logic circuitry.
Data memory consists of a 512-bit RAM, organized
as 8 data registers of 16 4-bit digits. RAM addres-
sing is implemented by a 7-bit B register whose up-
per 3 bits (Br) select 1 of 8 data registers and lower
4 bits (Bd) select 1 of 16 4-bit digits in the selected
data register. While the 4-bit contents of the selected
RAM digit (M) is usually loaded into or from, or ex-
changed with, the A register (accumulator), it may
also be loaded into or from the Q latches or loaded
from the L ports. RAM addressing may also be per-
formed directly by the LDD and XAD instructions ba-
sed upon the 7-bit contents of the operand field of
these instructions. The Bd register also serves as a
source register for 4-bit data sent directly to the D
The 4-bit A register (accumulator) is the source and
destination register for most I/O, arithmetic, logic
and data memory access operations. It can also be
used to load the Br and Bd portions of the B register,
to load and input 4 bits of the 8-bit Q latch data, to
input 4 bits of the 8-bit L I/O port data and to perform
data exchanges with the SIO register.
A 4-bit adder performs the arithmetic and logic func-
tions, storing its results in A. It also outputs a carry
bit to the 1-bit C register, most often employed to in-
dicate arithmetic overflow. The C register, in
conjunction with the XAS instruction and the EN re-
gister, also serves to control the SK output. C can
be outputted directly to SK or can enable SK to be
a sync clock each instruction cycle time. (See XAS
instruction and EN register description, below).
Four general-purpose inputs, IN3-IN0, are provided.
The D register provides 4 general-purpose outputs
and is used as the destination register for the 4-bit
contents of Bd. The D outputs can be directly
connected to the digits of a multiplexed LED display.
The G register contents are outputs to 4 general-
purpose bidirectional I/O ports. G I/O ports can be
directly connected to the digits of a multiplexed LED
The Q register is an internal, latched, 8-bit register,
used to hold data loaded to or from M and A, as well
as 8-bit data from ROM. Its contents are output to
the L I/O ports when the L drivers are enabled under
program control (See LEI instruction).

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