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EL4453CS Datasheet PDF : 10 Pages
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Fade-Control Characteristics
The quantity VFADE in the above equations is bounded as
-1 VFADE 1, even though the externally applied voltages
often exceed this range. Actually, the gain transfer function
around -1V and +1V is “soft”, that is, the gain does not clip
abruptly below the 0%-VFADE voltage or above the 100%–
VFADE level. An overdrive of 0.3V must be applied to VFADE
to obtain truly 0% or 100%. Because the 0% = or 100%-
VFADE levels cannot be precisely determined, they are
extrapolated from two points measured inside the slope of
the gain transfer curve. Generally, an applied VFADE range
of -1.5V to +1.5V will assure the full span of numerical
-1 VFADE 1 and 0 F 1.
The fade control has a small-signal bandwidth equal to the
VIN channel bandwidth, and overload recovery resolves in
about 20ns.
Input Connections
The input transistors can be driven from resistive and
capacitive sources, but are capable of oscillation when
presented with an inductive input. It takes about 80nH of
series inductance to make the inputs actually oscillate,
equivalent to four inches of unshielded wiring or about six
inches of unterminated input transmission line. The
oscillation has a characteristic frequency of 500MHz. Often
placing one’s finger (via a metal probe) or an oscilloscope
probe on the input will kill the oscillation. Normal high
frequency construction obviates any such problems, where
the input source is reasonably close to the fader input. If this
is not possible, one can insert series resistors of around 51
to de-Q the inputs.
Signal Amplitudes
Signal input common-mode voltage must be between
(V-) + 2.5V and (V+) - 2.5V to ensure linearity. Additionally,
the differential voltage on any input stage must be limited to
±6V to prevent damage. The differential signal range is ±2V
in the EL4453. The input range is substantially constant with
The Ground Pin
The ground pin draws only 6µA maximum DC current, and
may be biased anywhere between (V-) +2.5V and
(V+) - 3.5V. The ground pin is connected to the IC’s
substrate and frequency compensation components. It
serves as a shield within the IC and enhances input stage
CMRR and channel-to-channel isolation over frequency, and
if connected to a potential other than ground, it must be
Power Supplies
The EL4453 works well on any supplies from ±3V to ±15V.
The supplies may be of different voltages as long as the
requirements of the GND pin are observed (see the Ground
Pin section for a discussion). The supplies should be
bypassed close to the device with short leads. 4.7µF
tantalum capacitors are very good, and no smaller bypasses
need be placed in parallel. Capacitors as small as 0.01µF
can be used if small load currents flow.
Singe-polarity supplies, such as +12V with +5V can be used,
where the ground pin is connected to +5V and V- to ground.
The inputs and outputs will have to have their levels shifted
above ground to accommodate the lack of negative supply.
The dissipation of the fader increases with power supply
voltage, and this must be compatible with the package
chosen. This is a close estimate for the dissipation of a
PD = 2×VS, max×VS+(VS-VO)×VO/RPAR
IS, max is the maximum supply current
VS is the ± supply voltage (assumed equal)
VO is the output voltage
RPAR is the parallel of all resistors loading the output
For instance, the EL4453 draws a maximum of 21 mA. With
light loading, RPAR→∞ and the dissipation with ±5V supplies
is 210mW. The maximum supply voltage that the device can
run on for a given PD and the other parameters is:
VS, max = (PD+VO2/RPAR)/(2IS+VO/RPAR)
The maximum dissipation a package can offer is:
PD, max = (TD, max - TA, max)/θJA
TD, max is the maximum die temperature, 150°C for
reliability, less to retain optimum electrical performance
TA, max is the ambient temperature, 70°C for commercial
and 85°C for industrial range
θJA is the thermal resistance of the mounted package,
obtained from datasheet dissipation curves
The more difficult case is the SO-14 package. With a
maximum die temperature of 150°C and a maximum
ambient temperature of 70°C, the 80°C temperature rise and
package thermal resistance of 110°/W gives a dissipation of
636mW at 85°C.
This allows ±15V operation over the commercial
temperature range, but higher ambient temperature or output
loading may require lower supply voltages.
Output Loading
The output stage of the EL4453 is very powerful. It typically
can source 80mA and sink 120mA. Of course, this is too
much current to sustain and the part will eventually be
destroyed by excessive dissipation or by metal traces on the
die opening. The metal traces are completely reliable while
delivering the 30mA continuous output given in the Absolute

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