DC Restored Video Amplifier
Complete video level restoration
0 02% differential gain and 0 05
differential phase accuracy at
60 MHz bandwidth
0 1 dB flatness to 10 MHz
VS e g5V to g15V
TTL CMOS hold signal
Input amplifier in video
Restoration amplifier in video
Ordering Information
Part No Temp Range Package Outline
EL4089CN 0 C to a75 C 8-Pin P-DIP MDP0031
EL4089CS 0 C to a75 C 8-Lead SO MDP0027
General Description
The EL4089C is an 8-pin complete DC-restored monolithic vid-
eo amplifier sub-system It contains a high quality video ampli-
fier and a nulling sample-and-hold amplifier specifically de-
signed to stabilize video performance
When the HOLD logic input is set to a TTL CMOS logic 0 the
sample- and-hold amplifier can be used to null the DC offset of
the video amplifer
When the HOLD input goes to a TTL CMOS logic l the cor-
recting voltage is stored on the video amplifier’s input coupling
capacitor The correction voltage can be further corrected as
need be on each video line
The video amplifier is optimized for video performance and low
power Its current feedback design allows the user to maintain
essentially the same bandwidth over a gain range of nearly 10 1
The amplifier drives back-terminated 75X lines
The EL4089C is fabricated in Elantec’s proprietary Comple-
mentary Bipolar process which produces NPN and PNP tran-
sistors with equivalent AC and DC performance The EL4089C
is specified for operation over 0 C to a75 C temperature range
Connection Diagram
DC restoring amplifier with a gain of 2 restoring to ground
4089 – 1
Note All information contained in this data sheet has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication however this data sheet cannot be a ‘‘controlled document’’ Current revisions if any to these
specifications are maintained at the factory and are available upon your request We recommend checking the revision level before finalization of your design documentation
1993 Elantec Inc