EL2071 Macromodel (Continued)
ivos 0 23 3mA
vxx 23 0 0V
e4 24 0 3 0 1.0
e5 25 0 7 0 1.0
e6 26 0 4 0 1.0
r9 24 23 316
r10 25 23 562
r11 26 23 562
* Models
.model qn npn (is=5e-15 bf=500 tf=0.05nS)
.model qp pnp (is=5e-15 bf=500 tf=0.05nS)
.model dclamp d(is=1e-30 ibv=1pA bv=3.5 n=4)
EL2071, EL2171
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