Gain Error
The deviation of the last code transition (1111 . . . 110) to
(1111 . . . 111) from the ideal, that is, VREF − 1 LSB, after the
offset error has been adjusted out.
Gain Error Match
The difference in gain error between any two channels.
Track-and-Hold Acquisition Time
The time required for the output of the track-and-hold amplifier to
reach its final value, within ±1/2 LSB, after the point at which the
track-and-hold returns to track mode. This happens approximately
120 ns after the falling edge of CONVST.
It also applies to situations where a change in the selected input
channel takes place or where there is a step input change on the
input voltage applied to the selected VIN input of the AD7822/
AD7825/AD7829. It means that the user must wait for the
duration of the track-and-hold acquisition time after a channel
change/step input change to VIN before starting another
conversion, to ensure that the part operates to specification.
PSR (Power Supply Rejection)
Variations in power supply affect the full-scale transition but
not the converter linearity. Power supply rejection is the
maximum change in the full-scale transition point due to a
change in power supply voltage from the nominal value.
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