The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information.
DF37 Seriesq0.4 mm Pitch, 0.98 mm Mated Height, Board-to-Board / Board-to-FPC Connectors
BHandling Precautions When Un-mating Connectors
Fully mated
Lift even, keeping both connectors parallel to
each other
Pitch orientation
Corner orientation
Width orientation
When handling, circumstances may prevent
the connectors from being kept parallel when
un-mating. One end may be lifted as shown.
However, to use this procedure the connector
must be mounted on sufficiently rigid circuit
Any deflection of the board during this opera-
tion may result in damage to the connector or
solder joints.
Do not attempt to start the un-mating of the
connectors from one side or corner.
Failure to exercise caution when un-mating
the connectors mounted on the non-rigid FPC
may also result in connector breakage.
It is the responsibility of the user to perform
verification of the repeated mating / un-mating
cycles with the connectors mounted on the
applicable FPC.
When the rigidity of the FPC is low, there is a
risk that the connector could break as illustrat-
ed in the diagram at left.
Please use the connectors after performing a
check of repeated operation with the FPC that
the customer will be using.
Evaluative results of FPC rigidity and various
items are available. Please inquire.