The device may be configured to append a 16-bit CRC16 to each
packet. The CRC16 uses the USB CRC polynomial with the
added programmability of the seed. If enabled, the receiver
verifies the calculated CRC16 for the payload data against the
received value in the CRC16 field. The starting value for the
CRC16 calculation is configurable, and the CRC16 transmitted
may be calculated using either the loaded seed value or a zero
seed; the received data CRC16 is checked against both the
configured and zero CRC16 seeds.
CRC16 detects the following errors:
■ Any one bit in error
■ Any two bits in error (no matter how far apart, which column,
and so on)
■ Any odd number of bits in error (no matter where they are)
■ An error burst as wide as the checksum itself
Figure 2 shows an example packet with SOP, CRC16 and
lengths fields enabled.
Figure 2. Example Default Packet Format
Preamble N*16us
2nd Framing Symbol*
Preamble SOP1
<== P a y l o a d ==>
1st Framing Symbol*
Packet length 1 Byte Period
CRC 16
*Note: 32 us
Packet Buffers and Radio Configuration Registers
Packet data and configuration registers are accessed through
the SPI interface. All configuration registers are directly
addressed through the address field in the SPI packet.
Configuration registers are provided to allow configuration of
DSSS PN codes, data rate, operating mode, interrupt masks,
interrupt status, and others.
Packet Buffers
All data transmission and reception use the 16-byte packet
buffers: one for transmission and one for reception.
The transmit buffer allows a complete packet of up to 16 bytes of
payload data to be loaded in one burst SPI transaction, and then
transmitted with no further MCU intervention. Similarly, the
receive buffer allows an entire packet of payload data up to 16
bytes to be received with no firmware intervention required until
packet reception is complete.
The CYRF69303 IC supports packet length of up to 40 bytes;
interrupts are provided to allow an MCU to use the transmit and
receive buffers as FIFOs. When transmitting a packet longer
than 16 bytes, the MCU can load 16 bytes initially, and add
further bytes to the transmit buffer as transmission of data
creates space in the buffer. Similarly, when receiving packets
longer than 16 bytes, the MCU must fetch received data from the
FIFO periodically during packet reception to prevent it from
Auto Transaction Sequencer (ATS)
The CYRF69303 IC provides automated support for
transmission and reception of acknowledged data packets.
When transmitting a data packet, the device automatically starts
the crystal and synthesizer, enters transmit mode, transmits the
packet in the transmit buffer, and then automatically switches to
receive mode and waits for a handshake packet — and then
automatically reverts to sleep mode or idle mode when either an
ACK packet is received, or a time out period expires.
Similarly, when receiving in transaction mode, the device waits
in receive mode for a valid packet to be received, then
automatically transitions to transmit mode, transmits an ACK
packet, and then switches back to receive mode to await the next
packet. The contents of the packet buffers are not affected by the
transmission or reception of ACK packets.
In each case, the entire packet transaction takes place without
any need for MCU firmware action; to transmit data the MCU
simply needs to load the data packet to be transmitted, set the
length, and set the TX GO bit. Similarly, when receiving packets
in transaction mode, firmware simply needs to retrieve the fully
received packet in response to an interrupt request indicating
reception of a packet.
The radio function provides an interrupt (IRQ) output, which is
configurable to indicate the occurrence of various different
events. The IRQ pin may be programmed to be either active high
or active low, and be either a CMOS or open drain output.
The radio function features three sets of interrupts: transmit,
receive, and system interrupts. These interrupts all share a
single pin (IRQ), but can be independently enabled/disabled. In
transmit mode, all receive interrupts are automatically disabled,
and in receive mode all transmit interrupts are automatically
disabled. However, the contents of the enable registers are
preserved when switching between transmit and receive modes.
If more than one radio interrupt is enabled at any time, it is
necessary to read the relevant status register to determine which
event caused the IRQ pin to assert. Even when an interrupt
source is disabled, the status of the condition that would
otherwise cause an interrupt can be determined by reading the
appropriate status register. It is therefore possible to use the
devices without making use of the IRQ pin by polling the status
register(s) to wait for an event, rather than using the IRQ pin.
Document Number: 001-66502 Rev. *D
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