0°–70°C). No external components are required to achieve
this level of accuracy.
The internal low-speed oscillator of nominally 32 KHz provides
a slow clock source for the CYRF69213 in suspend mode,
particularly to generate a periodic wake-up interrupt and also
to provide a clock to sequential logic during power-up and
power-down events when the main clock is stopped. In
addition, this oscillator can also be used as a clocking source
for the Interval Timer clock (ITMRCLK) and Capture Timer
clock (TCAPCLK). The 32-KHz Low-power Oscillator can
operate in low-power mode or can provide a more accurate
clock in normal mode. The Internal 32-KHz Low-power Oscil-
lator accuracy ranges (between 0° – 70° C) as follows:
5V Normal mode: –8% to + 16%
5V LP mode: +12% to + 48%
When using the 32-KHz oscillator the PITMRL/H should be
read until two consecutive readings match before
sending/receiving data. The following firmware example
assumes the developer is interested in the lower byte of the
mov A, reg[PITMRL]
mov [57h], A
mov A, reg[PITMRL]
mov [58h], A
mov [59h], A
mov A, reg{PITMRL]
mov [60h], A
;;;Start comparison
mov A, [60h]
mov X, [59h]
sub A, [59h]
jz done
mov A, [59h]
mov X, [58h]
sub A, [58h]
jz done
mov X, [57h]
;;;correct data is in memory location 57h
mov [57h], X
Document #: 001-07552 Rev. *B
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