CS5336, CS5338, CS5339
L/ R
15 16 17 18 19 20
15 16 17 18 19 20
15 14
1 0 T2 T1 T0
15 15 14
1 0 T2 T1 T0
Left Audio Data
* SCLK for CS5336/8.
SCLK inverted for CS5339
Tag Bits
Left Data
** Rising FSYNC enables
SCLK to clock out SDATA
Right Audio Data
Tag Bits
Right Data
*** Falling FSYNC stops SCLK from
clocking out SDATA
Figure 5. Data Output Timing - SLAVE Mode, FSYNC controlled
output each bit, except the MSB, which is clocked
out by the L/R edge. As shown in Figure 4, when
FSYNC is high, serial data bits are clocked imme-
diately following the L/R edge.
In SLAVE mode with FSYNC controlled, as
shown in Figure 5, when FSYNC is low, only the
MSB is clocked out after the L/R edge. With
FSYNC low, SCLK is ignored. When it is desired
to start clocking out data, bring FSYNC high
which enables SCLK to start clocking out data.
Bringing FSYNC low will stop the data being
clocked out. This feature is particularly useful to
Input Level
T2 T1 T0
1.375 x FS
1.250 x FS to 1.375 x FS 1 1 0
1.125 x FS to 1.250 x FS 1 0 1
1.000 x FS to 1.125 x FS 1 0 0
-1.006dB to 0.000dB
-3.060dB to -1.006dB
-6.000dB to -3.060dB
< -6.000dB
FS = Full Scale (0dB) Input
Table 2. Tag Bit Definition
position in time the data bits onto a common se-
rial bus.
The serial nature of the output data results in the
left and right data words being read at different
times. However, the words within an L/R cycle
represent simultaneously sampled analog inputs.
In all modes, additional bits are output after the
data bits: 3 tag bits and a left/right indicator. The
tag bits indicate a near-to-clipping input condition
for the data word to which the tag bits are at-
tached. Table 2 shows the relationship between
input level and the tag bit values. The serial bit
immediately following the tag bits is 0 for the
left channel, and 1 for the right channel. The re-
maining bits before the next L/R edge will be 1’s
for the left channel and 0’s for the right channel.
Normally, the tag bits are separated from the
audio data by the digital signal processor. How-
ever, if the tag bits are interpreted as audio data,
their position below the LSB would result as a
very small dc offset.
In all modes, SCLK is shown for the CS5336 and
CS5338, where data bits are clocked out on rising
edges. SCLK is inverted for the CS5339.