Figure 7. -50dB Muting
mute which can be activated by forcing the
CALI pin high. Figure 7 shows how to imple-
ment a -50 dB mute using an OR gate. The
propagation of the gate will be the only delay in
moving the CS4328 to a muted state.
Figure 8. -120 dB Muting
The second mute option is a two stage operation
which involves forcing SDATAI to 0 using an
AND gate as shown in Figure 8. The first mute
occurs following 33 LRCK cycles when the 0 in-
put data propagates to the output of the DAC.
The rms noise present at the output will typically
be 93 dB below fullscale. Following a total of
4096 LRCK cycles with 0 input data the output
of the CS4328 will mute and lower the output
rms noise to a minimum of 120 dB below
fullscale. Upon release of the MUTE command
and non-zero input data the CS4328 output mute
will immediately release. However, 33 LRCK
cycles are required for input data to propagate to
the output of the CS4328.
Grounding and Power Supply Decoupling
As with any high resolution converter, the
CS4328 requires careful attention to power sup-
ply and grounding arrangements to optimize
performance. Figure 1 shows the recommended
power arrangements with VA+ connected to a
clean +5 volt supply and VA- connected to a
clean -5 volt supply. VD+, which powers the
digital interpolation filter and delta-sigma modu-
lator, may be powered from the system +5 volt
logic supply. Decoupling capacitors should be
located as near to the CS4328 as possible.
The printed circuit board layout should have
separate analog and digital regions with individ-
ual ground planes. The CS4328 should straddle
the ground plane break as shown on the
CDB4328 Evaluation board. Optional jumpers
for connecting these planes should be included
near the DAC, where power is brought on to the
board and near the regulators. All signals, espe-
cially clocks, should be kept away from the
VREF- pin to avoid unwanted coupling into the
CS4328. The VREF- decoupling capacitors, par-
ticularly the 0.1 µF, must be positioned to
minimize the electrical path from VREF- to
Pin 1 AGND and to minimize the path between
VREF- and the capacitors. Extensive use of
ground plane fill on both the analog and digital
sections of the circuit board will yield large re-
ductions in radiated noise effects. An application
note "Layout and Design Rules for Data Con-
verters" is printed in the Application Note
section of this book.
Analog Output and Filtering
Full scale analog output for each channel is typi-
cally 4V peak-to-peak. The analog outputs can
drive load impedances as low as 600Ω and are
short-circuit protected to 20mA.
The CS4328 analog filter is a 5th order
switched-capacitor filter followed by a second-
order continuous-time filter. The
switched-capacitor filter is clock dependent and
will scale with the IWR frequency. The continu-
ous-time filter is fixed and not related to IWR. A
low-pass filter consisting of a 51Ω resistor and a
.01 µF NPO capacitor is recommended on the
analog outputs.