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Atmel Corporation 
AT89S8252 Datasheet PDF : 34 Pages
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Data Memory EEPROM and RAM
The AT89S8252 implements 2K bytes of on-chip EEPROM
for data storage and 256 bytes of RAM. The upper 128
bytes of RAM occupy a parallel space to the Special Func-
tion Registers. That means the upper 128 bytes have the
same addresses as the SFR space but are physically sepa-
rate from SFR space.
When an instruction accesses an internal location above
address 7FH, the address mode used in the instruction
specifies whether the CPU accesses the upper 128 bytes
of RAM or the SFR space. Instructions that use direct
addressing access SFR space.
For example, the following direct addressing instruction
accesses the SFR at location 0A0H (which is P2).
MOV 0A0H, #data
Instructions that use indirect addressing access the upper
128 bytes of RAM. For example, the following indirect
addressing instruction, where R0 contains 0A0H, accesses
the data byte at address 0A0H, rather than P2 (whose
address is 0A0H).
MOV @R0, #data
Note that stack operations are examples of indirect
addressing, so the upper 128 bytes of data RAM are avail-
able as stack space.
The on-chip EEPROM data memory is selected by setting
the EEMEN bit in the WMCON register at SFR address
location 96H. The EEPROM address range is from 000H to
7FFH. The MOVX instructions are used to access the
EEPROM. To access off-chip data memory with the MOVX
instructions, the EEMEN bit needs to be set to 0.
The EEMWE bit in the WMCON register needs to be set to
1before any byte location in the EEPROM can be written.
User software should reset EEMWE bit to 0if no further
EEPROM write is required. EEPROM write cycles in the
serial programming mode are self-timed and typically take
2.5 ms. The progress of EEPROM write can be monitored
by reading the RDY/BSY bit (read-only) in SFR WMCON.
RDY/BSY = 0 means programming is still in progress and
RDY/BSY = 1 means EEPROM write cycle is completed
and another write cycle can be initiated.
In addition, during EEPROM programming, an attempted
read from the EEPROM will fetch the byte being written
with the MSB complemented. Once the write cycle is com-
pleted, true data are valid at all bit locations.
Programmable Watchdog Timer
The programmable Watchdog Timer (WDT) operates from
an independent oscillator. The prescaler bits, PS0, PS1
and PS2 in SFR WMCON are used to set the period of the
Watchdog Timer from 16 ms to 2048 ms. The available
timer periods are shown in the following table and the
actual timer periods (at VCC = 5V) are within ±30% of the
The WDT is disabled by Power-on Reset and during
Power-down. It is enabled by setting the WDTEN bit in SFR
WMCON (address = 96H). The WDT is reset by setting the
WDTRST bit in WMCON. When the WDT times out without
being reset or disabled, an internal RST pulse is generated
to reset the CPU.
Table 7. Watchdog Timer Period Selection
WDT Prescaler Bits
Period (nominal)
16 ms
32 ms
64 ms
128 ms
256 ms
512 ms
1024 ms
2048 ms
Timer 0 and 1
Timer 0 and Timer 1 in the AT89S8252 operate the same
way as Timer 0 and Timer 1 in the AT89C51, AT89C52 and
AT89C55. For further information, see the October 1995
Microcontroller Data Book, page 2-45, section titled,
Timer 2
Timer 2 is a 16 bit Timer/Counter that can operate as either
a timer or an event counter. The type of operation is
selected by bit C/T2 in the SFR T2CON (shown in Table 2).
Timer 2 has three operating modes: capture, auto-reload
(up or down counting), and baud rate generator. The
modes are selected by bits in T2CON, as shown in Table 8.
Timer 2 consists of two 8-bit registers, TH2 and TL2. In the
Timer function, the TL2 register is incremented every
machine cycle. Since a machine cycle consists of 12 oscil-
lator periods, the count rate is 1/12 of the oscillator
In the Counter function, the register is incremented in
response to a 1-to-0 transition at its corresponding external
input pin, T2. In this function, the external input is sampled
during S5P2 of every machine cycle. When the samples
show a high in one cycle and a low in the next cycle, the
count is incremented. The new count value appears in the
register during S3P1 of the cycle following the one in which

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