The PIC14000 features include medium to high reso-
lution A/D conversion (10 to 16 bits), temperature sens-
ing, closed loop charge control, serial communication,
and low power operation.
The PIC14000 uses a RISC Harvard architecture CPU
with separate 14-bit instruction and 8-bit data buses. A
two-stage instruction pipeline allows all instructions to
execute in a single cycle, except for program branches,
which require two cycles. A total of 35 instructions are
available. Additionally, a large register set is included.
PIC16/17 microcontrollers typically achieve a 2:1 code
compression and a 4:1 speed improvement over other
8-bit microcontrollers.
The PIC14000 is a 28-pin device with these features:
• 4K of EPROM
• 192 bytes of RAM
• 22 I/O pins
The analog peripherals include:
• 8 external analog input channels, two with level
shift inputs
• 6 internal analog input channels
• 2 comparators with programmable references
• A bandgap reference
• An internal temperature sensor
• A programmable current source
In addition, the I2C serial port through a multiplexer
supports two separate I2C channels.
A special oscillator option allows either an internal
4 MHz oscillator or an external crystal oscillator. Using
the internal 4 MHz oscillator requires no external com-
The PIC14000 contains three timers, the Watchdog
Timer (WDT), Timer0 (TMR0), and A/D Timer
(ADTMR). The Watchdog Timer includes its own
on-chip RC oscillator providing protection against
software lock-up. TMR0 is a general purpose 8-bit
timer/counter with an 8-bit prescaler. It may be clocked
externally using the RC3/T0CKI pin. The ADTMR is
intended for use with the slope A/D converter, but can
also be used as a general purpose timer. It has an
associated capture register which can be used to mea-
sure the time between events.
An internal low-voltage detect circuit allows for tracking
of voltage levels. Upon detecting the low voltage con-
dition, the PIC14000 can be instructed to save its oper-
ating state then enter an idle state.
The internal band-gap reference is used for calibrating
the measurements of the analog peripherals. The
calibration factors are stored in EPROM and can be
used to achieve high measurement accuracy.
Power savings modes are available for portable appli-
cations. The SLEEP and HIBERNATE modes offer dif-
ferent levels of power savings. The PIC14000 can
wake up from these modes through interrupts or reset.
A UV erasable CERDIP packaged version is ideal for
code development, while the cost-effective One-Time
Programmable (OTP) version is suitable for production
in any volume.
The PIC14000 fits perfectly in applications for battery
charging, capacity monitoring, and data logging. The
EPROM technology makes customization of
application programs (battery characteristics, feature
sets, etc.) extremely fast and convenient. The small
footprint packages make this microcontroller based
mixed signal device perfect for all applications with
space limitations. Low-cost, low-power, high perfor-
mance, ease of use and I/O flexibility make the
PIC14000 very versatile in other applications such as
temperature monitors/controllers.
1.1 Family and Upward Compatibility
Code written for PIC16C6X/7X can be easily ported to
the PIC14000 (see Appendix A).
1.2 Development Support
The PIC14000 is supported by a full-featured macro
assembler, a software simulator, an in-circuit emulator,
a low-cost development programmer and a
full-featured programmer. A “C” compiler and fuzzy
logic support tools are also available.
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