Phase Jitter
An ideal sine wave can be thought of as having a continuous
and even progression of phase with time from 0° to 360° for
each cycle. Actual signals, however, display a certain amount of
variation from ideal phase progression over time. This phenome-
non is called phase jitter. Although many causes can contribute
to phase jitter, one major cause is random noise, which is
characterized statistically as Gaussian (normal) in distribution.
This phase jitter leads to a spreading out of the energy of the
sine wave in the frequency domain, producing a continuous
power spectrum. This power spectrum is usually reported as a
series of values whose units are dBc/Hz at a given offset in fre-
quency from the sine wave (carrier). The value is a ratio (expressed
in dB) of the power contained within a 1 Hz bandwidth with
respect to the power at the carrier frequency. For each measure-
ment, the offset from the carrier frequency is also given.
Phase Noise
It is meaningful to integrate the total power contained within
some interval of offset frequencies (for example, 10 kHz to
10 MHz). This is called the integrated phase noise over that
frequency offset interval and can be readily related to the time
jitter due to the phase noise within that offset frequency interval.
Phase noise has a detrimental effect on error rate performance
by increasing eye closure at the transmitter output and reducing
the jitter tolerance/sensitivity of the receiver.
Time Jitter
Phase noise is a frequency domain phenomenon. In the time
domain, the same effect is exhibited as time jitter. When
observing a sine wave, the time of successive zero crossings is
seen to vary. In a square wave, the time jitter is seen as a
displacement of the edges from their ideal (regular) times of
occurrence. In both cases, the variations in timing from the
ideal are the time jitter. Because these variations are random in
nature, the time jitter is specified in units of seconds root mean
square (rms) or 1 sigma of the Gaussian distribution.
Additive Phase Noise
Additive phase noise is the amount of phase noise that is
attributable to the device or subsystem being measured. The
phase noise of any external oscillators or clock sources has been
subtracted. This makes it possible to predict the degree to which
the device impacts the total system phase noise when used in
conjunction with the various oscillators and clock sources, each
of which contributes its own phase noise to the total. In many
cases, the phase noise of one element dominates the system
phase noise.
Additive Time Jitter
Additive time jitter is the amount of time jitter that is attributable
to the device or subsystem being measured. The time jitter of
any external oscillators or clock sources has been subtracted.
This makes it possible to predict the degree to which the device
impacts the total system time jitter when used in conjunction
with the various oscillators and clock sources, each of which
contributes its own time jitter to the total. In many cases, the
time jitter of the external oscillators and clock sources
dominates the system time jitter.
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