Data Sheet
Rail-to-Rail, Fast, Low Power 2.5 V to 5.5 V,
Single-Supply TTL/CMOS Comparator
Fully specified rail to rail at VCC = 2.5 V to 5.5 V
Input common-mode voltage from −0.2 V to VCC + 0.2 V
Low glitch CMOS-/TTL-compatible output stage
40 ns propagation delay
Low power: 2 mW at 2.5 V
Shutdown pin
Power supply rejection > 60 dB
−40°C to +125°C operation
Qualified for automotive applications
Automotive applications
High speed instrumentation
Clock and data signal restoration
Logic level shifting or translation
High speed line receivers
Threshold detection
Peak and zero-crossing detectors
High speed trigger circuitry
Pulse-width modulators
Current-/voltage-controlled oscillators
The AD8468 is a fast comparator fabricated on XFCB2.0, an
Analog Devices, Inc., proprietary process. This comparator is
exceptionally versatile and easy to use. Features include an input
range from −0.2 V to VCC + 0.2 V, low noise, TTL-/CMOS-
compatible output drivers, and shutdown inputs. The device
offers 40 ns propagation delays driving a 15 pF load with 10 mV
overdrive on 500 µA typical supply current.
A flexible power supply scheme allows the device to operate
with a single 2.5 V positive supply with a −0.2 V to + 2.7 V
input signal range and up to a 5.5 V positive supply with a
−0.2 V to +5.7 V input signal range.
Figure 1.
The TTL-/CMOS-compatible output stage is designed to drive
up to 15 pF with full rated timing specifications and to degrade
in a graceful and linear fashion as additional capacitance is
added. The input stage of the comparator offers robust protec-
tion against large input overdrive, and the outputs do not phase
reverse when the valid input signal range is exceeded.
The AD8468 is available in a tiny 6-lead SC70 package with a
single-ended output and a shutdown pin.
Rev. A
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