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产品描述 (功能)
AD8228BRMZ Datasheet PDF : 24 Pages
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Low Gain Drift
Precision Instrumentation Amplifier
Easy to use
Pin strappable gains of 10 and 100
Wide power supply range: ±2.3 V to ±18 V
DC specifications (B Grade, G = 10)
2 ppm/°C gain drift
0.02% gain error
50 μV maximum input offset voltage
0.8 μV/°C maximum input offset drift
0.6 nA maximum input bias current
100 dB CMRR
AC specifications
650 kHz, –3 dB bandwidth (G = 10)
2 V/μs slew rate
Low noise
8 nV/√Hz, @ 1 kHz (G = 100)
0.3 μV p-p from 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz (G = 100)
Weigh scales
Industrial process controls
Bridge amplifiers
Precision data acquisition systems
Medical instrumentation
Strain gages
Transducer interfaces
The AD8228 is a high performance instrumentation amplifier
with very high gain accuracy. Because all gain setting resistors
are internal and laser trimmed, gain accuracy and gain drift
are better than can be achieved with typical instrumentation
Low voltage offset, low offset drift, low gain drift, high gain
accuracy, and high CMRR make this part an excellent choice
in applications that demand the best dc performance possible,
such as bridge signal conditioning.
–IN 1
G1 2
G2 3
8 +VS
+IN 4 AD8228 5 –VS
(Not to Scale)
Figure 1.
Table 1. Instrumentation Amplifiers by Category
General Zero
Purpose Drift
Military Low
Grade Power
High Speed
AD82201 AD82311 AD620 AD6271 AD8250
AD8221 AD85531 AD621 AD6231 AD8251
AD8222 AD85551 AD524
AD82241 AD85561 AD526
AD8228 AD85571 AD624
1 Rail-to-rail output.
The AD8228 operates on both single and dual supplies. Because
the part can operate on supplies up to ±18 V, it is well suited for
applications where high common-mode input voltages are
encountered. The AD8228 is available in 8-lead MSOP and
SOIC packages.
Performance is specified over the entire industrial temperature
range of −40°C to +85°C for all grades. Furthermore, the AD8228
is operational from −40°C to +125°C. For a pin-compatible ampli-
fier with similar specifications, but with a gain range of 1 to 1000,
see the AD8221.
Rev. 0
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rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No
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