120 kHz Bandwidth, High Voltage Isolation
Current Sensor with Integrated Overcurrent Detection
Setting Overcurrent Fault Switchpoint
Setting 12CB and 25CB Versions
The VOC needed for setting the overcurrent fault
switchpoint can be calculated as follows:
VOC = Sens × | IOC | ,
where VOC is in mV, Sens in mV/A, and IOC (overcur-
rent fault switchpoint) in A.
| Ioc | is the overcurrent fault switchpoint for a bi-
directional (AC) current, which means a bi-directional
sensor will have two symmetrical overcurrent fault
switchpoints, +IOC and –IOC .
See the following graph for IOC and VOC ranges.
0.4 VCC / Sens
0.25 VCC / Sens
– 0.25 VCC / Sens
– 0.4 VCC / Sens
IOC versus VOC
(12CB and 25CB Versions)
Not Valid Range
Valid Range
0. 25 VCC
0. 4 VCC
Example: For ACS710KLATR-25CB-T, if required overcurrent fault switchpoint is 50 A, and VCC = 5 V, then the
required VOC can be calculated as follows:
VOC = Sens × IOC = 28 × 50 = 1400 (mV)
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
115 Northeast Cutoff
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.