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TD1507 Datasheet PDF : 16 Pages
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3A 150KHz PWM Buck DC/DC Converter
Function Description(Cont.)
noise of this circuit and improves efficiency. A ground
plane is recommended to connect input capacitor, output
capacitor, and GND pin of the TD1507.
In the TD1507 buck regulator circuit, the two major
power dissipating components are the TD1507 and
output inductor. The total power dissipation of converter
circuit can be measured by input power minus output
Ptotal _loss = V IN × IIN V O × IO
The power dissipation of inductor can be approximately
calculated by output current and DCR of inductor.
Pinductor _loss= IO 2 × Rinductor × 1.1
The junction to ambient temperature can be got from
power dissipation in the TD1507 and thermal impedance
from junction to ambient.
T (jun-amb) =(PtotallossPinductorlossΘJA
The maximum junction temperature of TD1507 is 145°C,
which limits the maximum load current capability. Please
see the thermal de-rating curves for the maximum load
current of the TD1507 under different ambient
The thermal performance of the TD1507 is trongly
affected by the PCB layout. Extra care should be taken
by users during the design process to nsure that the IC
will operate under the recommended environmental
Several layout tips are listed below for the best electric
and thermal performance.
1. Do not use thermal relief connection to the VIN and
the GND pin. Pour a maximized copper area to the GND
pin and the VIN pin to help thermal dissipation.
2. Input capacitor should be connected to the VIN pin
and the GND pin as close as possible.
3. Make the current trace from VOUT pins to L to the
GND as short as possible.
4. Pour copper plane on all unused board area and
connect it to stable DC nodes, like VIN, GND, or VOUT.
5. Keep sensitive signal traces such as trace connecting
FB pin away from the VOUT pins.
December, 20, 2005.
Techcode Semiconductor Limited

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