SBC A,[m]
Affected flag(s)
SBCM A,[m]
Affected flag(s)
SDZ [m]
Affected flag(s)
SDZA [m]
Affected flag(s)
SET [m]
Affected flag(s)
SET [m].i
Affected flag(s)
Subtract Data Memory from ACC with Carry
The contents of the specified Data Memory and the complement of the carry flag are sub-
tracted from the Accumulator. The result is stored in the Accumulator. Note that if the result
of subtraction is negative, the C flag will be cleared to 0, otherwise if the result is positive or
zero, the C flag will be set to 1.
ACC ¬ ACC - [m] - C
OV, Z, AC, C
Subtract Data Memory from ACC with Carry and result in Data Memory
The contents of the specified Data Memory and the complement of the carry flag are sub-
tracted from the Accumulator. The result is stored in the Data Memory. Note that if the re-
sult of subtraction is negative, the C flag will be cleared to 0, otherwise if the result is
positive or zero, the C flag will be set to 1.
[m] ¬ ACC - [m] - C
OV, Z, AC, C
Skip if decrement Data Memory is 0
The contents of the specified Data Memory are first decremented by 1. If the result is 0 the
following instruction is skipped. As this requires the insertion of a dummy instruction while
the next instruction is fetched, it is a two cycle instruction. If the result is not 0 the program
proceeds with the following instruction.
[m] ¬ [m] - 1
Skip if [m] = 0
Skip if decrement Data Memory is zero with result in ACC
The contents of the specified Data Memory are first decremented by 1. If the result is 0, the
following instruction is skipped. The result is stored in the Accumulator but the specified
Data Memory contents remain unchanged. As this requires the insertion of a dummy in-
struction while the next instruction is fetched, it is a two cycle instruction. If the result is not
0, the program proceeds with the following instruction.
ACC ¬ [m] - 1
Skip if ACC = 0
Set Data Memory
Each bit of the specified Data Memory is set to 1.
[m] ¬ FFH
Set bit of Data Memory
Bit i of the specified Data Memory is set to 1.
[m].i ¬ 1
Rev. 1.00
December 16, 2009