HV857 Application Note
Application Note
HV857 EL Lamp Driver Circuits for Low Audible Noise or
High Brightness Applications
by Roshanak Aflatouni, Applications Engineer
This Application Note describes the method (patent pending) to
reduce the audible noise generated by an EL (Electrolumines-
cent) lamp used in mobile phone applications.
This Application Note also provides example circuits as a guide-
line for applications with different lamp sizes, input voltages, and
brightness requirements.
For additional assistance in designing EL driver circuits, please
refer to Application Notes AN-H33 (effect of external compo-
nents on performance of Supertex EL drivers), Lamp Driver
When constructing and testing one of the driver circuits listed
below, keep in mind that results may differ from those given due
to lamp characteristics and component tolerance.
When making component changes for circuit optimization, al-
ways remove supply voltages first. After making adjustments,
bring up the supply voltage slowly starting from the minimum
required device input voltage while monitoring input current. A
sharp rise in current usually indicates a saturated inductor. Use
a higher current rated inductor, a higher value inductor, or
increase conversion frequency by lowering RSW-OSC value.
Figure 1: Typical Application Circuit
Enable Signal
VA 8
2 RSW-osc
VB 7
3 REL-osc
4 Gnd
CS 6
LX 5
Series R
EL Lamp
Sanyo Diode SB01-15CP
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workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions or inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications, refer to the
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