Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
vector — A memory location that contains the address of the beginning of a subroutine written
to service an interrupt or reset.
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) — A circuit that produces an oscillating output signal of a
frequency that is controlled by a dc voltage applied to a control input.
waveform — A graphical representation in which the amplitude of a wave is plotted against time.
wired-OR — Connection of circuit outputs so that if any output is high, the connection point is
word — A set of two bytes (16 bits).
write — The transfer of a byte of data from the CPU to a memory location.
X — The lower byte of the index register (H:X) in the CPU08.
Z — The zero bit in the condition code register of the CPU08. The CPU08 sets the zero bit when
an arithmetic operation, logical operation, or data manipulation produces a result of $00.
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MC68HC05E6 — Rev. 1.0