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MAX11210EEE 查看數據表(PDF) - Maxim Integrated

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MAX11210EEE Datasheet PDF : 26 Pages
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24-Bit, Single-Channel, Ultra-Low-Power,
Delta-Sigma ADCs with GPIO
provides maximum 50Hz rejection. See Figures 1 and
2. For optimal simultaneous 50Hz and 60Hz rejection,
apply a 2.25275MHz external clock at CLK.
The devices provide differential inputs REFP and REFN
for an external reference voltage. Connect the external
reference directly across the REFP and REFN to obtain
the differential reference voltage. The common-mode
voltage range for VREFP and VREFN is between 0 and
The devices accept reference inputs in buffered or
unbuffered mode. The value of the REFBUF bit in the
CTRL1 register determines whether the reference buffer
is enabled or disabled. See Table 12.
The devices include reference and signal input buffers
capable of reducing the average input current from
2.1FA/V on the reference inputs and from 1.4FA/V on
the analog inputs to a constant 30nA current on the
reference inputs and 20nA current on the analog inputs.
The reference and signal input buffers can be selected
individually by programming the CTRL1 register bits
REFBUF and SIGBUF. When enabled, the reference and
input signal buffers require an additional 20FA from the
AVDD supply pin.
Power-On Reset (POR)
The devices utilize power-on reset (POR) supply monitor-
ing circuitry on both the digital supply (DVDD) and the
analog supply (AVDD). The POR circuitry ensures proper
device default conditions after either a digital or analog
power-sequencing event.
The digital POR trigger threshold is approximately 1.2V
and has 100mV of hysteresis. The analog POR trigger
threshold is approximately 1.25V and has 100mV of
hysteresis. Both POR circuits have lowpass filters that
prevent high-frequency supply glitches from triggering
the POR.
The devices provide two sets of calibration registers
which offer the user several options for calibrating the
system. The calibration register value defaults are all zero,
which require a user to either perform a calibration or pro-
gram the register through the SPI interface to use them.
The on-chip calibration registers are enabled or disabled
by programming the NOSYSG, NOSYSO, NOSCG, and
NOSCO bits in the CTRL3 register. The default values for
these calibration control bits are 1, which disables the use
of the internal calibration registers.
The devices power up with the internal calibration regis-
ters disabled, and therefore a full-scale input produces
a result of 60% of the full-scale digital range. To use the
full-scale digital range, a calibration must be performed.
The first level of calibration is the self-calibration where
the part performs the required connections to zero and
full scale internally. This level of calibration is typically
sufficient for 1FV of offset accuracy and 2ppm of full-
scale accuracy. The self-calibration routine does not
include the source resistance effects from the signal
source driving the input pins, which can change the off-
set and gain of the system.
A second level of calibration is available where the user
can calibrate a system zero scale and system full scale
by presenting a zero-scale signal or a full-scale signal
to the input pins and initiating a system zero scale or
system gain calibration command.
A third level of calibration allows for the user to write to
the internal calibration registers through the SPI interface
to achieve any digital offset or scaling the user requires
with the following restrictions. The range of digital offset
correction is QVREF/4. The range of digital gain correc-
tion is from 0.5 to 1.5. The resolution of offset correction
is 0.5 LSB.
The calibration operations are controlled with the CAL1
and CAL0 bits in the command byte. The user requests
a self-calibration by setting the CAL1 bit to 0 and CAL0
bit to 1. A self-calibration requires 200ms to complete,
and both the SCOC and SCGC registers contain the
values that correct the chip output for zero scale and full
scale. The user requests a system zero-scale calibration
by setting the CAL1 bit to 1 and the CAL0 bit to 0 and
presents a system zero-level signal to the input pins. The
system zero calibration requires 100ms to complete, and
the SOC register contains values that correct the chip
zero scale. The user requests a system full-scale calibra-
tion by setting the CAL1 bit to 1 and the CAL0 bit to 1
and presents a system full-scale signal level to the input
pins. The system full-scale calibration requires 100ms
to complete, and the SGC register contains values that
correct for the chip full-scale value. See Tables 3a and
3b for an example of a self-calibration sequence and a
system-calibration sequence.
Maxim Integrated 9

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