AS5043 Programmable 360° Magnetic Angle Encoder
Access to this pin allows various OPAMP configurations.
Pin 12 Vout is the analog output pin. The analog output is a DC
voltage, ratiometric to VDD5V (3.0 – 5.5V) or an external voltage
source and proportional to the angle.
6 Functional Description
The AS5043 is manufactured in a CMOS standard process and
uses a spinning current Hall technology for sensing the magnetic
field distribution across the surface of the chip.
The integrated Hall elements are placed in a circle around the
center of the device and deliver a voltage representation of the
magnetic field perpendicular to the surface of the IC.
Through Sigma-Delta Analog / Digital Conversion and Digital
Signal-Processing (DSP) algorithms, the AS5043 provides
accurate high-resolution absolute angular position information.
For this purpose a Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer
(CORDIC) calculates the angle and the magnitude of the Hall
array signals.
The DSP is also used indicate movements of the magnet towards
or away from the chip and to indicate, when the magnetic field is
outside of the recommended range (status bits = MagInc,
MagDec; hardware pin = MagRngn).
A small low cost diametrically magnetized (two-pole) standard
magnet, centered over the chip, is used as the input device.
The AS5043 senses the orientation of the magnetic field and
calculates a 10-bit binary code. This code can be accessed via a
Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI). In addition, the absolute
angular representation is converted to an analog
signal, ratiometric to the supply voltage.
The analog output can be configured in many ways,
such as 360°/180°/90° or 45° angular range, external
or internal DAC reference voltage, 0-100%*VDD or 10-
90% *VDD analog output range, external or internal
amplifier gain setting.
The various output modes as well as a user
programmable zero position can be programmed in an
OTP register. As long as no programming voltage is
applied to pin PROG, the new setting may be
overwritten at any time and will be reset to default
when power is cycled. To make the setting permanent,
the OTP register must be programmed by applying a
programming voltage.
The AS5043 is tolerant to magnet misalignment and
unwanted external magnetic fields due to differential
measurement technique and Hall sensor conditioning
It is also tolerant to airgap and temperature variations
due to Sin-/Cos- signal evaluation.
Figure 3: AS5043 block diagram
Revision 1.4, 04-Apr-06
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