LC7152, 7152M, 7152NM, 7152KM
Example: FCC 1-channel 46/49 MHz cordless telephone base station (See diagram in the preceding page.)
for fref: 5 kHz, RX VCO: 38.975 MHz, TX VCO: 46.610 MHz
Programmable Divider Data
(3) Reference frequency data
(4) Output port data
General-purpose output port: Open (OA = 0, OB = 0)
(5) Input frequency range select bits
FA = FB = 1
(6) Standby mode
During standby (SB = 1)
(7) Unlock detector output
Extends the phase error signal by 6.4ms if a phase error of ±6.25 µs or more is generated.
: UL0 = UL1 = 1
: UE0 = 0, UE1 = 1
(8) Dead-zone control data
DZA mode : DZ = 0
(9) LSI test data: T0 = T1= T2 = 0
(1) Mode 1: Latch-1 data
(2) Mode 2: Latch-2 data
: data = 0