Memory Management System
The IDT79R3500 has an addressing range of 4GB. How-
ever, since most IDT79R3500 systems implement a physical
memory smaller than 4GBs, the IDT79R3500 provides for the
logical expansion of memory space by translating addresses
composed in a large virtual address space into available
physical memory address. Two TLB modes are supported.
When the TLB is used, the 4GB address space is divided into
2GBs which can be accessed by both the users and the
kernel, and 2GBs for the kernel only. Virtual addresses within
the kernel/user segment are translated to physical addresses
on a 4kB page basis. This mode is typical of UNIX and other
sophisticated operating systems. When the TLB is disabled,
mapping is locked as 2GBs as kernel/user, and 1.5GBs as
kernel only. This mode requires no TLB manipulation, pro-
vides large linear address space, and is typical for embedded
TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer)
Virtual memory mapping is assisted by the Translation
Lookaside Buffer (TLB). The on-chip TLB provides very fast
virtual memory access and is well-matched to the require-
ments of multi-tasking operating systems. The fully-associa-
tive TLB contains 64 entries, each of which maps a 4kB page,
with controls for read/write access, cacheability, and process
identification. The TLB allows each user to access up to 2GBs
of virtual address space.
Figure 6 illustrates the format of each TLB entry. The
Translation operation involves matching the current Process
ID (PID) and upper 20 bits of the address against PID and VPN
(Virtual Page Number) fields in the TLB. When both match (or
the TLB entry is Global), the VPN is replaced with the PFN
(Physical Frame Number) to form the physical address.
TLB misses are handled in software, with the entry to be re-
placed determined by as imple RANDOM function. The rou-
tine to process a TLB miss in the UNIX environment requires
only 10-12 cycles, which compares favorably with many CPUs
which perform the operation in hardware.
TLB Disabled Operation
Many embedded systems do not like the complexity or
uncertainty associated with the on-chip TLB. However, many
systems still desire the ability to implement a kernel/user
mode. Therefore, to implement a hierachical task model, the
TLB must be used. The R3500 gives the system designer one
more option, allowing the TLB to be disabled and performing
a fixed mapping of virtual to physical addresses, while main-
taining separation of kernel and user resources.
The user may elect to disable the TLB through the reset
sectors. In this case, the mapping shown in Figure 8. is used,
and device power consumption is reduced. Note tha “cached“
segments means that there is no mechanism to exclude
addresses in these regions from the cache.
This mapping means that applications designed to run in
kseg0 and kseg1 (to avoid the TLB) can use the R3500,
disable the TLB to reduce power, and not have to change
software to take advantage of this new feature.
44 43
38 37
32 31
12 11 10 9 8 7
VPN – Virtual Page Number
TLBPID – Process ID
PFN – Physical Frame Number
N – Non-cacheable flag
D – Dirty flag (Write protect)
V – Valid entry flag
G – Global flag (ignore PID)
O – Reserved
Figure 6. TLB Entry Format
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