Sharp Electronics
Subminiature, High Sensing Accuracy Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Photointerrper Horizontal Slit Type

Sharp Electronics
Wide Gap, High Sensing Accuracy Type Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Subminiature Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Subminiature Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Compact, High Sensing Accuracy Type Photointerrupter with Positioning Pin

Sharp Electronics
Subminiature Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Subminiature Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Photointerrupter with Connector

Sharp Electronics
General Purpose Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Photointerrupter with Dust Cover

Sharp Electronics
Side Lead Type Ultra-compact Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
General Purpose Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Compact, High Sensing Accuracy Narrow Gap Type Photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Compact, High Sensing Accuracy Type Photointerrupter with Positioning Pin

Sharp Electronics
Compact photointerrupter

Sharp Electronics
Compact and Thin Photointerrupter