Номер в каталоге
Компоненты Описание

CMOS Manchester Encoder-Decoder

Renesas Electronics
CMOS Manchester Encoder-Decoder

Light-to-Digital Output Sensor with High Sensitivity, Gain Selection, Interrupt Function and I2C Interface

Renesas Electronics
Light-to-Digital Output Sensor with High Sensitivity, Gain Selection, Interrupt Function and I2C Interface

Phoenix Contact
Single relay - REL-OR/LDP- 24DC/1

Frontier Electronics.
Insert Molded Coil

Frontier Electronics.
Insert Molded Coil

Phoenix Contact
Single relay - REL-OR/LDP-220DC/1/MB

Phoenix Contact
Input loop-powered 2-way isolator, single and two-channel

Phoenix Contact
Input loop-powered 2-way isolator, single and two-channel

Phoenix Contact
Input loop-powered 2-way isolator, single and two-channel

Phoenix Contact
Input loop-powered 2-way isolator, single and two-channel

Phoenix Contact

Phoenix Contact
Input loop-powered 2-way isolator, single and two-channel