The Z89323/373/393 DSP family of products builds on Zilogs first generation Z893XX DSP core, integrating several peripherals especially well suited for cost-effective voice, telephony, and control applications.
■ Operating Temperature Ranges:
0°C to +70°C (Standard)
–40°C to +85°C (Extended)
■ 4.5- to 5.5-Volt Operating Range
DSP Core
■ 20 MIPS @ 20 MHz, 16-Bit Fixed Point DSP
■ 50 ns Instruction Cycle Time
■ Single-Cycle Multiply and ALU Operations
■ Two Internal Data Buses and Address Generators
■ Six Register Address Pointers
■ Optimized Instruction Set (30 Instructions)
On-Board Peripherals
■ 4-Channel, 8-Bit Analog to Digital Converter (A/D)
■ On-Board Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
■ Up to 40 Bits of Programmable I/O
■ Two Channels of Programmable
Pulse Width Modulators (PWM)
■ Three General-Purpose Timer/Counters
■ Two Watch-Dog Timers (WDT)
■ Programmable PLL
■ Three Vectored Interrupts Servicing Eight
Interrupt Sources
■ Power-Down and Power-On Reset