The Z89138/Z89139 is a fully integrated, dual processor controller designed for voice processing applications. The I/O control processor is a Z8® MCU with 24 KB of program memory, two 8-bit counter/timers, and up to 47 I/O pins.
■ Watch-Dog Timer and Power-On Reset
■ Improved Low-Power STOP Mode
■ On-Chip Oscillator that Accepts a Crystal or External
Clock Drive
■ Improved Global Power-Down Mode
■ Low-Power Consumption - 200 mW (typical)
■ Two Comparators
■ RAM and ROM Protect
■ On-Board Oscillator for 32.768 kHz Real-Time Clock
■ Clock Speeds of 20.48 or 29.49 MHz
■ 16-Bit Digital Signal Processor (DSP)
■ 6K Word DSP Program ROM
■ 512 Words On-Chip DSP RAM
■ 8-Bit A/D Converter with up to 16 kHz Sample Rate
■ 10-Bit PWM D/A Converter
■ Six Vectored, Prioritized Z8 Interrupts
■ Three Vectored, Prioritized DSP Interrupts
■ Two DSP Timers to Support Different A/D and D/A
Sampling Rates
■ IBM® PC-Based Development Tools
■ Developer’s Toolbox for T.A.M. Applications