The Modem Evaluation Kit (Z0220100ZCO) is a generalpurpose platform that allows users to evaluate the capabilities and operation of the Z02201 Modem DSP and Analog Front End, and the Z02205 Modem controller. The kit contains an assembled circuit board, software, and documentation to support software and hardware development for low speed embedded modem applications.
■ Z02201 Modem Evaluation Board Includes:
– Supported Protocols: V.22bis, V.22, V.21, V.23, Bell
103, Bell 212A
– AT Commands for Modem Control and
– Shipped with North America-style DAA
– Socket for DAA Module Allows User-Defined DAA
– Eye Pattern Port
– One RS-232C Serial Port with DB25 Connectors
■ User Manual for Demonstration Board
■ “Diplomat” PC-based Configuration Utility to Allow
Configuration of Modem Controller Code for Worldwide
Country Support
■ Object Code to be Modified by the Diplomat
Configuration Utility