Gamewell-FCI by Honeywell
The Gamewell-FCI Analog Addressable Multi-Sensor (XP95-M) is designed to provide the highest effectiveness by utilizing the latest microprocessor technology and enhanced algorithms. The XP95-M Multi-Sensor includes both Photoelectric and Thermal sensing elements integrated into a single device. The XP95-M is capable of digitally transmitting not only its address to the FACP, but also combined data consisting of an analog value from both the photoelectric chamber and the thermal element for analysis.
• Compatible with the Gamewell-FCI intelligent analog
addressable 600 series control panels
• Combines photoelectric smoke and thermal sensor
values for enhanced detection performance and false
alarm reduction
• Detector head utilizes common analog addressable
style bases
• Address is set by XPert addressing card and is stored
in the sensor base
• Analog count transmission to FACP
• Rate of rise heat signals
• Drift compensation via internal processing algorithms