Weltrend Semiconductor
The WT8048 is a 8 pin P-DIP package IC, designed for the application of Power Saving Monitor or Green Monitor.
As per DPMS proposal, the WT8048 provides a detective circuit of monitor power management for the convenience of designers in designing Power Saving Monitor.
{ Accepting two seperated H&V synchronous signals with positive/ negative polarity.
{ Capable of processing horizontal frequency between 0Hz to 100kHz, and vertical frequency between 0Hz to 100Hz.
{ Power Saving mode - It can detect the conditions of monitor to decide which will be selected as following: ON mode / STAND_BY mode / SUSPEND mode / OFF mode.
{ An Override mode is defined to override the DPMS function during the design, test, burn-in manufacture or diagnostic process if desired.
{ DPMS modes detection for Green Monitor